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Stiles layed in bed, staring at the ceiling as he tried to grasp the fact that Derek's literal twin brother was sleeping in his spare bedroom. He had text his dad the night before letting him know what was going on, just in case one of his deputies happened to drive by and notice a strange car in his driveway, he wouldn't send three more with guns blazing. His dad had been equally as surprised about Derek having a twin brother. Of course it had taken his dad pulling up the families records for him to believe it. When he was sure Stiles wasn't lying, he told him Gage could stay as long as he needed.

Stiles rubbed his eyes in exhaustion. He hadn't slept much as his dreams had been riddled with memories of Derek. The most prominent one being when he left.

Stiles dialed Derek's number for the third time, again straight to voicemail.

"Derek, where are you? Isaac is missing and Scott is freaking out, so if you could turn your phone on that would be great. And if you don't call me back I'm gonna kill you, I'm too mad to think of a witty description about how, but I'm just gonna do it. Call me." Stiles groaned as he threw his phone on the bed.

Issac had gotten into a fight with Ethan at school and the two shifted in the hall way. Stiles had to get them out before they were caught. He had managed to close them in an empty room while he tried to calm down the two rampant wolves. In his attempt to talk to Ethan, Isaac took off. He hadn't been able to find him after.

It had been three days before Issac showed back up, looking like hell. He had apparently gone to find Derek, his alpha, only to end up chasing a scent that went cold. The pack had been worried sick about Derek, to the point where Stiles reached out to Peter. Peter had informed him that Derek had skipped town to take care of some things and not to expect him back any time soon, if at all.

Stiles had been pissed and hurt. How could he have left without saying anything. He had basically left Stiles to manage a pack of misfits. They had, the dopey werewolf Scott, the orphaned werewolf Issac, the freshly turned werewolf Liam, the banshee Lydia, the huntress Allison, and then himself the hyperactive human. Stiles had always helped Derek manage the pack. Between saving them from creepy lizard men, wolfsbane bullets, and drowning. Then there was the hours of research he poured into everything supernatural. He was the one to discover that Lydia was a banshee. He was also the one that helped Liam learn to control his shifts when Derek and him couldn't work together. He let Derek fuss about all the things the pack needed to work on. He let the pack fuss to him about how Derek would drive them crazy. He'd been bait for the alpha pack. He'd discovered the pattern of the human sacrifices the Darach was using. Hell he'd been the one to discover he was the one leaving ominous clues and threats when he had been possessed by the nogitsune. Then once he had been freed of the possession he had figured out the game the Japanese spirit of chaos had been playing and managed to beat him.

In the end it was always him. Everyone always called him, and yet Derek didn't have the decency to even let him know with a text, much less say goodbye or explain himself. Instead he disappeared making them all worry.

Stiles was pulled from his thoughts at the sound of a knock on his door.

Stiles pulled it open to see Gage standing with a concerned look on his face.

"Gage, what's up? You alright?" Stiles asked.

"I uh, was actually coming to check on you." Gage answered looking mildly uncomfortable.

"Me? Why?" Stiles asked taken aback.

"I umm, you smelled really sad." Gage gave a small sympathetic smile.

"You came to check on me cause I'm sad?" Surely Stiles hadn't heard that right.

"Yeah, it started off frustrated, then angry, was an overwhelming sadness. It was stronger than the other two. I just wanted to make sure you're okay." Gage shrugged.

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