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"Where could he be?" Gage asked a worried expression embedded into his features.

"We've looked at all his usual spots." Scott shrugged.

It had been hours since Stiles had left the old mill factory. The pack had looked everywhere but he was nowhere. His jeep was parked at the house but he wasn't home.

Gage felt his wolf bristle a bit at the stress and tension in the pack. They were all worried about Stiles. To them he was their alpha. As an alpha himself, Gage felt the urge to protect the pack and right now they needed reassurance and direction.

"Okay, I want a list of every place and person Stiles might go to. I want to know where you have looked and then I want you to look again. Nobody breath a word of this to the sheriff until we know more. He doesn't need the stress, if it's not an emergency. I want everyone to call Stiles' phone. If you need something to take to catch a scent get something from his room." Gage ordered as he pulled his phone out.

"Whoa, who said you were in charge?" Malia snapped.

Gage whipped around, his eyes alpha red. "I did. You may not like me, but this isn't about me, it's about Stiles."

Gage's tone and intense stare caused Malia to back down. He reminded the pack of Derek.

Immediately Gage felt a sense of relief from the pack as they did as he said.

Liam and Isaac went up to Stiles' room. Scott pulled out a map from the kitchen drawer and laid it on the table. Lydia pulled out her phone to call Stiles.

"Okay, so we looked at Deaton's, the sheriff's station, the lacrosse field and the library. Those are his go to places. He wasn't there and hadn't smelled like he'd been there." Scott pointed to the map.

"Who could he have gone to see?" Gage asked glancing over the map.

"Danny, maybe, but that's unlikely." Lydia shook her head.

"Maybe Ethan?" Scott shrugged.

"You two call them." Gage ordered.

"He didn't leave any clues in his room." Liam said coming down the stairs.

"Malia, go check his jeep, make sure there aren't any signs of a struggle, also see if you can smell what he was feeling." Gage looked up at the honey haired girl. He expected a fight but she only nodded before walking out.

"Danny hasn't seen him." Lydia sighed.

"Neither has Ethan." Scott shook his head. Gage could smell the worry coming off of Scott.

"Hey, we'll find him." Gage put a comforting hand on Scott's shoulder.

"My dad hasn't heard anything from him." Allison walked over pushing her phone in her pocket. "And Stiles isn't answering his phone. It's just going straight to voicemail."

"No sign of struggle in the jeep. The strongest scent I got was anger." Malia walked back in.

"Where else could he have gone?" Gage asked trying to mask his own anxiety that was creeping up. He didn't know the first thing about the pack or how to run it. It wasn't your typical pack, what with a hunteress, and a banshee. Plus he'd really grown to like Stiles over the past couple of days. He'd been understanding and caring despite the fact he was the twin brother of the guy who abandoned him and his pack.

"Derek would know." Isaac mumbled sadly.

Gage frowned in confusion.

"Derek knew Stiles better than any of us, even me half the time. He knew how Stiles' brain worked. He used to say Stiles was his chessboard. He had to know what Stiles was gonna do before he did it." Scott explained, his tone full of disappointment.

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