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Sweat dripped down Derek's temple as he ran through the woods. He could hear the hunters behind him, their dogs barking less than a mile back. He should have expected that witch to rat him out. 

Ahead about fourty yards, was his car, all he had to do was make it to that and he would be able to escape them. 

"This way. The dogs have his scent."

Derek heard one of the hunters yelling to the others. He had to hurry, they were gaining on him.

He heard the snaps and cracks of the twigs breaking under the dogs paws as they picked up speed. 

Just a little bit further. 

He slid into the drivers seat and cranked the car hurriedly. He couldn't get caught, not now when he was so close to his answer. All these months would have been for nothing, he couldn't let that be the case not after what he did to his pack. 

Images of the first time he met Scott and Stiles flashed through his head as he peeled out of the woods. Stiles' awkward apology for trespassing, and Scott's blank stare were so vivid it was like he was there all over again. He hated having left them, but he knew he had to, it was for the best. He only hoped they didn't hate him, though he knew that was unlikely, especially Stiles. Stiles was the least trustworthy one and he had betrayed him, leaving him behind to manage a pack of misfits. He knew Stiles would stand in his wake, and while the idea was unnerving, he knew it would only be a matter of time before Scott became an alpha. With Stiles' help Scott would be a great alpha, assuming he managed to kill for the position. 

Derek shook his head of the thoughts of his old pack. One day he would be able to return and explain himself, hopefully. Until then, he had to finish what he'd started. 

Derek parked the car at the hotel he was staying in. It was in the middle of town so no one would be able to track his scent. 

Sliding the locks into place he let out a heavy sigh. So the witch wasn't going to be helpful, that meant he needed a new plan. Who could he possibly trust though? It had been months and all he'd found out was that he needed a spell. The witch he'd found, Vanessa, hadn't known of a spell that could do what Derek wanted. The hunters were on his trail here, so it would be time to move on again. This was the fourth time he'd be relocating. He'd already been to Merida-Mexico, Milan-Italy, and  Alicante-Spain. Next stop was Volos-Greece. After that, he was out of places that the spell had been recorded in. It had taken him a month just to discover that such a spell existed, then another month to find all records of the spell having ever been used. He hadn't had any luck finding the witch that had done the spell and even less luck finding a witch who knew of the spell. Volos was his last hope. The witch contact he had in the states was an absolute last resort as she knew his family and were likely to reach out to Cora or Gage, that was something he couldn't risk. They would never approve of what he was doing and the less they knew, the better. They wouldn't understand, this was something he had to do. 

He zipped his suitcase and scanned the bare room making sure he wouldn't be leaving anything behind. Not that he had much with him. Enough clothes to last a few days, a phone charger, and his laptop. He checked the time on his phone to find a missed call and voicemail from Gage. 

Derek hesitated before putting the phone to his ear.

  "Hey, Der, so I haven't heard from you in a while. I wasn't actually going to call but I just thought it would be nice to talk to you, I know you're kind of 'off the map' right now, but I just wanted to see how you're doing. Feel free to call, if you want to."

Derek squeezed his eyes shut at the sound of his brother's voice. He missed him so much. It had been difficult not answering his calls after he left. He'd left a voicemail everyday for a week. Once Derek had text Cora letting him know he was okay, the calls went back to their usual Thursday's. Gage continued to call every Thursday for a few weeks. Then one day, they just stopped. He knew Gage was hurt, but Gage would never understand, nobody would, so he knew it was better to just keep his distance, just until he could resolve this issue.  

Derek closed out of his voicemail without deleting it. He had done the same thing to all Gage and Cora's voicemails. He would listen to them when he missed them, which was quite often. 

"Just a little more time, I promise," Derek whispered, as if Gage would be able to hear.

Just a tiny little Derek chapter for you guys! So what do you think he's up to? I'd love to hear any theories! 😊

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