hybrid status

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The room stood still as the pack watched Stiles. His eyes were bright blue but nothing else changed.

"How do you feel?" Gage asked kneeling in front of the druid, werewolf hybrid.

"Fine, I guess," Stiles shrugged. He wasn't exactly happy with his eye color, but other than that he didn't feel anything.

"I think it's safe to unchain you," Gage started to unclasp the chains.

"Are you sure?" Stiles asked worriedly.

"You've seen all of them on their first full moon, I don't think your spark is going to let that happen," Gage nodded towards the other members of the pack.

"So I guess I don't shift?" Stiles frowned looking down at his hands.

Gage placed his hands in Stiles', "that's okay. You don't have to shift, you've got a spark," Gage smiled.

"My eyes change, what else can I do?" Stiles asked looking at the alpha.

"How's your hearing?" Ethan asked.

"It seems the same," Stiles shrugged.

"I'll go in the kitchen, see if you can hear me," Liam said hurrying off.

Stiles listened closely and barely heard Liam say he was coming back in.

"Did you hear me?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, I had to really listen, and it wasn't super clear, but yeah, I heard you," Stiles nodded.

"Maybe your senses are just dulled a bit because of your spark?" Isaac suggested.

"That makes sense, you didn't heal as fast," Lydia nodded thoughtfully.

"So what can I do with my spark?" Stiles asked.

"That would be a question for Deaton," Gage pulled Stiles to his feet.

"Wait, where's Nathan?" Stiles asked suddenly noticing the boy wasn't there.

"Your dad took him home, the twenty-four hour holding time was up," Scott answered.

"But he could still be in danger, Vance is still out there," Stiles spoke worriedly.

"Hey, your dad has two deputies watching the house tonight, I don't think he's going to be terribly interested in Nathan. He's more interested in you, or was, anyway," Gage touched Stiles' arm gently.

"Do you think he left?" Stiles asked hopefully.

"No, I know Vance, and he would want to make sure Derek suffered. My bet is he knows Stiles is alive and he's planning on making sure Derek knows that Stiles' spark is in full effect. I just don't know if that will be enough for him," Theo spoke up.

"You know Vance? How?" Malia snapped.

"Hey, it's okay, he's on our side. He was a part of Vance's pack," Stiles put his hand on Malia's arm.

She instantly relaxed.

"He's the one who saved Nathan," Allison added.

"Look, let's all get some rest tonight, and we'll figure out our next move in the morning," Gage said sensing the unease in the room.

"Ethan, why don't you bunk with Isaac. Theo, you can stay with me," Stiles suggested. The room paused as everyone looked at Isaac for a reaction.

"You're kidding right?" Isaac asked tossing a glare at Ethan.

"Not at all, you two have some tension I think needs to be sorted out. If you're both gonna be in a pack together, I can't have you two tearing each other's throats out," Stiles said seriously.

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