True emissary

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Gage paced the small waiting room in the vet's office. It was strange to bring a human to a veterinarian, but Deaton was no ordinary vet, he had been Talia Hale's emissary. Gage's mother had been the most respected alpha and Deaton had helped her succeed as such. Upon her demise, Deaton had gone into retirement, that is, until Derek found him. He was unable to become their official emissary, but he always did whatever he could to help the pack. He was the only one who would be able to truly help Stiles. Whether Stiles was a spark or werewolf, Deaton would know how to help. This did nothing to calm Gage though.

He'd called Derek but he didn't hear back. He called Cora next, who insisted Stiles was strong and would be okay. Gage wasn't so sure though. While there was no question as to if Stiles was strong or not, there was no sure way to know if he would be okay.

The other members of the pack exchanged worried glances. They wanted to comfort their alpha, but none of them knew what to say.

Stiles was the glue to the pack of misfits. He knew how to mediate between Malia and Gage, he kept Liam calm when he was nervous, he lifted Isaac's spirits when he felt alone, he helped Allison deal with the pressure of being an argent in a werewolf pack, he kept Scott in line when he forgot how strong he was, he kept Lydia from going insane with her banshee abilities.

Now all of them were crowded in Deaton's tiny waiting room awaiting info on their best friend and fellow pack mate. Even Ethan had shown up when Scott called him. Scott knew that despite the issues Ethan had with the pack, Stiles had been there for him too.

The last person in the room was Theo, he had been easily nursed back to health, and was worried sick when he saw Stiles being brought in.

The pack had all agreed to wait and see how Stiles was, before calling any parents.

"Gage, if you could, come back here." Deaton poked his head out of the examination room.

Gage closed the door behind him as he looked at a still unconscious Stiles.

"Do me a favor and take his hand," Deaton spoke as he grabbed the device he'd used a few weeks back, "I need to check his electrical currents."

Gage took Stiles' pale hand in his.

Deaton's eyes widened at the device, "His spark is in full swing."

"Is that good?" Gage asked, his tone hopeful.

"It is, but you gave him the bite, I don't know what that means for him. I've only ever heard of one other spark getting the bite, they didn't make it. Stiles would have already died if his body was going to reject  the bite.

"Has the bite healed?" Gage asked looking at Stiles other arm.

Deaton turned Stiles' wrist so his forearm was exposed.

"It's not healing," Gage noted.

"I am wondering if the bite kickstarted his spark. Kind of how when Lydia was bit," Deaton spoke thoughtfully.

"I don't know that story," Gage frowned at the vet.

"Your uncle Peter bit Lydia one night. Stiles managed to save her but the bite didn't kill her and she never turned. The bite healed at a normal rate and she was fine after several days. However, it was right after that, her banshee skills started. She heard voices and started to find dead bodies. Perhaps the bite ignited his spark completely," Deaton explained.

"So he's gonna be okay?" Gage asked, looking carefully at the veterinarian.

"I believe so. I pulled as much blood from his lungs as I could. He's breathing better and his heart rate has gotten a bit stronger. I'll need to monitor him for twenty-four hours. I'm not sure when he'll wake."

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