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The wind rustled the trees surrounding the pack. Gage stood close to Stiles as he lead the way through the reserve to a large clearing.

"Stiles, are you sure about this?" Gage asked, glancing around nervously.

"You're all here, it'll be fine. I need to know what I'm capable of," Stiles answered reassuringly.

Gage let out a sigh but nodded.

Stiles put a hand up signaling the pack to stop. He took several steps from them before holding his hand out. Deaton had told him to concentrate on a memory that upset him. It would be the best way to enact his spark and learn the feeling of it.

He closed his eyes and thought of the moment Malia broke up with him. Nothing.
He then thought of the time he almost cost his dad his job. Again, nothing.

Taking a deep breath, he thought of the moment Peter had told him Derek had left town. Still nothing.

"I don't know what memory is supposed to trigger this. I've thought of multiple, including finding out Derek left. None of them are working," Stiles huffed.

"What about what you told me last night...about Derek..." Theo suggested gently.

"What about Derek?" Gage frowned. Stiles hadn't said anything to him.

"Derek left because he was looking for a witch to do a spell that would remove my spark," Stiles answered.

"What? Why would he do that?" Scott spoke up.

"He didn't want to tie himself to me so he wanted to have my spark ripped from me, as if it was his choice to make," Stiles snapped angrily.

"I'm sure, there's a good reason," Lydia frowned though she wasn't sure.

"What reason could possibly justify casting a spell that would destroy a part of who I am?" Stiles scoffed. He was getting pissed.

"Derek's not exactly the type to be close to anyone, I'm sure it wasn't personal," Isaac tried to ease the anger Stiles was feeling.

"It doesn't matter, that's not his decision to make," Stiles barked, his eyes turning bright blue and sparks spraying from his hands.

Stiles looked down to see the electricity in the veins of his hands.

He directed his hand forcefully in the direction of a low hanging tree branch

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He directed his hand forcefully in the direction of a low hanging tree branch. A spark struck the branch ripping it from the rest of the tree.

The pack let out a shocked gasp.

"Your spark is tied to your anger," Gage said sadly. He knew why Derek wanted to get rid of Stiles' spark, but he didn't have the heart to tell him. How could he possibly tell Stiles that he was Derek's true emissary and that Derek knew and didn't want him? Stiles hurt enough.

"Something is wrong," Stiles said suddenly looking around nervously.

"What?" Gage asked stepping in close to Stiles as he scanned the surrounding area.

"I'm not sure, I can just sense it," Stiles frowned unable to explain what he was feeling.

"It's me, you sense me," Vance spoke stepping out of the trees.

Gage let out a threatening growl as he put himself between Stiles and the alpha. Vance had snuck up on them by approaching upwind so they wouldn't catch his scent, clever.

"Theo, I see you've aligned yourself with the enemy," Vance snarled.

"They aren't the enemy, Vance. This is between you and Derek," Theo stepped up next to Gage.

"Oh, I'm well aware, which is why I'm here. Stiles, you're still alive, and a special type of hybrid now, much more interested than the boring human you were before. I think I'll make you my emissary after all. There's nothing that would piss Derek off more," Vance grinned.

"Vance, don't," Theo said, his tone pleading.

"If you promise to stay out of this, you can have him as your little boyfriend, I'll allow you a pardon. That's why you're on their side, isn't it? Because of your feelings for Stiles?" Vance smirked.

"Stiles and I agreed to be friends," Theo shook his head.

"Let me guess, the hybrid is in love with the alpha," Vance snickered.

"Gage," Liam spoke up nervously, "There's more, I think he's got us surrounded."

Gage whipped around to see wolves stepping out around them.

"Leon? Gabriel? Amelia?" Theo frowned turning to Vance, "you brought the rest of the pack?"

"I needed backup, experienced backup," Vance smirked.

"Vance, please don't do this," Theo begged. He knew how strong his old pack was. He couldn't let them hurt Gage's pack.

"Don't touch the druid," Vance ordered as he signaled his pack to attack.

Six wolves lunged at Gage's pack.

Allison pulled a blade from her boot and tossed it to Lydia before pulling out two more from her thighs. The rest of the pack extended their claws and fangs.

"Stiles, listen to me, I need you to run, take Gage and go," Theo said to Stiles.

"No, we're not leaving," Gage snapped.

"I'll distract Vance as long as I can, you need to get Stiles out of here," Theo's claws extended as he turned to Vance.

"Theo, he'll kill you," Stiles objected,

"Not if I help," Liam stepped up next to Theo.

"Be careful," Gage said before grabbing Stiles' hand.

"Go," Theo yelled when Stiles hesitated.

The two bolted into the woods. They ran as quickly as they could.

After a few moments they heard someone advancing on them.

"Stiles, no matter what happens you keep running you understand me?" Gage ordered.

Stiles didn't answer.

Suddenly they were cut off by one of Vance's beta's.

The pair halted.

"Stiles, run, I'll be right there, go," Gage snapped.

Stiles knew Gage could handle a beta so he did as he was told and he ran.

Stiles let his feet carry him as fast as he could. He was almost to the old hale house when a hand grabbed his arm pulling him off his path.

Stiles started to flail and fight.

"Stiles, shhh, hey, calm down," Gage said putting his hands up to show he wasn't trying to hurt him.

"Oh, thank god, I was so worried about you," Stiles threw himself into Gage gripping the alpha in a tight hug.

Gage tensed for a moment before carefully putting an arm around Stiles.

"Stiles!" A voice yelled his name.

He knew that voice.

Stiles immediately let go of Gage and pulled back.

"Stiles, you're okay,"

Stiles turned to see Gage breathless and bloody. If this was Gage then...

Stiles turned back around. Tight jeans, leather jacket, and a scowl.


Short one for ya. Hope you like it!

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