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"Stiles, wake up," Derek kicked the chair Stiles was currently slumped in.

Stiles jolted up, "What? Huh? I didn't do it."

Derek rolled his eyes, "Gage is awake, thought you might want to know,"

Stiles jumped to his feet, following after Derek, and back into the examination room.

"You're sure you feel okay?" Deaton asked checking Gage's temperature.

"Yeah, a little hungry, but fine otherwise," Gage answered. He looked up then to see Stiles walk in with Derek.

"Gage," Stiles huffed with relief at the sight of his alpha.

"You're free to go, I don't see any residual effects," Deaton nodded at Gage who stood to his feet effortlessly.

Stiles immediately threw his arms around the alpha.

Gage wrapped his arms around Stiles just as tightly. He buried his head in Stiles neck allowing the scent of his anchor to relax him.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Stiles sighed.

"Me too. What happened exactly? I remember Vance demanding me to take him to Deaton. He was going to force him to make Stiles his emissary. He was pumping me full of wolfsbane and then...I think I remember Derek, but it gets fuzzy," Gage frowned, trying to remember.

"Derek took care of him," Stiles answered.

Gage looked at his brother for confirmation.

"Vance won't be a problem anymore," Derek said. He stood stiffly at the door, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Why don't you take these two home, they haven't left since they brought you here," Deaton nodded towards the door.

"Thank you for your help," Stiles said to Deaton as Derek lead Gage out.

"Oh, Stiles, be sure you make the right choice."

Stiles bit at his bottom lip. He knew what Deaton was referring to. He needed to have a serious conversation with Derek and Gage.

"I know you guys are probably exhausted, but I'm starving," Gage glanced at Derek and Stiles.

"The only place open at almost midnight is that pizza place on Devenger," Derek noted.

"I'm always up for pizza," Stiles shrugged.

"I'll drive," Derek nodded. Stiles was surprised. He expected Derek to pitch a fit, though he seemed different around his brother. It made Stiles wonder what Derek was like before the fire.

The car ride was painfully quiet. There was obvious tension, it just wasn't clear why there was tension.

The three sat down after ordering two large pepperoni pizzas. Gage had seen Stiles put away half a pizza on his own and who knew when the last time Derek had eaten was.

"Okay why are you so anxious?" Gage finally asked Stiles. He'd practically choked on the smell the whole way.

"I'm fine," Stiles shook his head, hoping the brothers wouldn't pry. Who was he kidding, of course they would, they were Hales weren't they?

"Something happened between you two...what was it?" Gage crossed his arms.

Stiles glanced at Derek who was stiff as a statue.

"I found out that Derek matched alpha, which makes me his-"

"True emissary," Gage nodded, cutting in. He turned to his brother, "I'm shocked you told him."

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