Regretfully, Derek

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Stiles took his time walking home. Peter had tried to drive him home but Stiles insisted on walking. He needed time to think about how he was going to tell the pack he was leaving. He didn't want them to blame Derek, even though he was the reason. Derek needed the pack, he needed the loyalty and the family. What he didn't need, was Stiles.

Stiles paused at the end of the driveway. What was Derek doing up so early? It was barely even seven. Was he loading something into his car? 

Derek tossed the last of his bags into the trunk of his camaro. 

"Derek?" Stiles' voice froze the alpha in place. Shit.

Derek turned around slowly to see the guy he loved more than anything. 'you also broke him more than anything,' he reminded himself. 

"Wh-what are you doing?" Stiles asked though it was clear he had a pretty good idea.

Derek knew he couldn't lie to Stiles. His senses had been improving, and Derek suspected that now that he was an alpha, they were closely matched with his own.

Stiles took a few steps towards Derek. 

The overwhelming pull tugged at Derek's chest once again. He was sure he'd never stop feeling it, which is part of why he was doing this. Again.

"Please, don't do this, Derek," Stiles pleaded. 

The raven haired guy remained silent. He knew nothing that he said would fix the damage that he'd done. He'd screwed up, and he'd lost Stiles for good. 

"Please," Stiles' voice cracked. 

Derek hated the way he continued to hurt Stiles, but no matter what he did, it was never the right thing. 

"The only reason you want me to stay is because of your spark. You and I both know what's best here," Derek answered stiffly. He couldn't let Stiles change his mind. He never should have even come back.

"Best for who?" Stiles snapped, though his tone still held the pain.

Derek wanted to say it was best for Stiles but he knew Stiles wouldn't like that answer, so he remained quiet. Again, what could he possibly say?

"When are you going to stop assuming what is best for me, and starting asking me what I want?" Stiles took another step.

"Stiles, you and I both know this conversation won't change anything. I'll leave and you'll continue to hate me. At least this way, the pack doesn't lose you too." Derek fought to keep from reaching out to Stiles. 

"I don't want to hate you, Derek," Stiles voice broke. 

"After everything I've done to you?" Derek scoffed.

"I've been trying to show you, that you can be forgiven, if you just try. Not everything has to be your responsibility. I know you feel like you have to make up for what happened to your family, but it wasn't your fault. You can't control everyone around you, just so they won't get hurt. Cause all you end up doing is pushing them away," Stiles reached out for Derek, but the alpha stepped back.

"You don't think I get that? Why do you think I'm leaving? You think I want to? I don't know how to not hurt you. Every time I turn around, I'm doing something to make you hate me. You think I enjoy that? I realize I screwed up. I shouldn't have tried to take your spark, I was being selfish, and I can never undo what  I did. I left you," Derek felt tears sting his eyes. He wasn't one to cry and now definitely wasn't the time.

"You made a mistake, it happens, what's important is that you learn from them," Stiles took another step towards Derek. 

"You're right, which is why this time, I'm not coming back," Derek turned, getting into the car before Stiles could stop him. 

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