replaced me

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Derek sat on the edge of his bed tapping his fingers on his knee. He was trying to get the courage to talk to Stiles. He wanted to apologize, but he didn't know how.

Finally he just went to the hybrid's door and knocked.

The door opened, revealing a shirtless Stiles.

"What do you want?" Stiles spat, glaring at the alpha.

Derek's eyes landed on Stiles' neck. Sitting at the base of his throat was a faded bite mark. Derek's jaw clenched.

"Were you with Gage?" Derek demanded. He felt jealousy bubble up inside him.

"What?" Stiles asked taken a back.

"Your neck,"

Stiles reached for the spot Theo had bit him the night before.

"You really think I'm sleeping with your brother?" Stiles scoffed at Derek.

"You're sleeping with someone. and you two are awfully close," Derek snapped.

"Does it bother you that we're so close?" Stiles smirked slightly.

"Of course it bothers me, you replaced me with my twin brother. That's why I never told you about him, I knew you'd insist on meeting him, and he's a drastically better person than I am," Derek barked. He hated that Stiles made him feel this way.

Stiles was shocked by Derek's honesty. "I wouldn't have replaced you with him if you hadn't left."

"Bullshit, you would have replaced me with him whether I was here or not."

Stiles rolled his eyes, "Go ahead, play the victim,"

"I'm not playing the victim, I'm simply stating the facts," Derek growled. Stiles really knew how to rub him the wrong way.

"Gage is my friend and my alpha-"

"Stop saying that," Derek shouted startling Stiles.

"Why? Because it bothers you?" Stiles snapped.

Derek clenched his jaw in response.

"You know what bothers me? The fact that you were going to erase my spark," Stiles said once again feeling the tingling sensation.

"I don't expect you to understand, but I was trying to protect you," Derek huffed.

"No, you just didn't want me as your emissary," Stiles sneered.

"You're right, I didn't. I still don't," Derek tried to remain calm but he hated the rejection he felt around Stiles. It hurt.

"Why? I know you hate me, but an emissary is supposed to make you stronger, more powerful. Isn't that what you want?" Stiles threw his hands up in frustration.

"I don't hate you Stiles, you just drive me crazy,"

"Crazy enough that you can't stand the thought of me being your emissary?"

Derek took a deep breath. He needed to just be honest with Stiles.

"I don't want you to risk your life for me," Derek answered his tone quieter than before.

"I've risked my life for you a dozen times," Stiles frowned.

"And I hated it, why do you think we argued all the time? I was trying to keep you safe and you were running head first into danger," Derek snapped.

"Why don't you just let me save you?" Stiles threw his hands up again.

"Because I'm not worth saving," Derek shouted. He clenched his teeth. He hadn't planned on saying that.

Stiles looked surprised by Derek's outburst. Stiles knew what this was about.

"Derek, you can't blame yourself forever, It wasn't your fault. Kate manipulated you," Stiles spoke gently.

Derek's mouth dropped slightly before he clenched his jaw once again, "Who told you about that?"

"It doesn't matter," Stiles sighed.

"Gage," Derek yelled storming off down the hall.

"Damn it Derek," Stiles swore as he grabbed a shirt off the laundry basket and hurried after Derek.

Gage looked up to see his brother stalking towards him looking pissed.

"Whoa, hey, what's wrong?" Gage stood from the stool he was sitting on as Derek neared him.

"You told him about Kate," Derek snarled as he grabbed his brother by the collar, and shoved him back against the kitchen wall.

"Derek, let him go, he didn't tell me anything," Stiles huffed rushing in towards the twins. He pulled Derek back forcing him to release Gage.

"Who did?" Derek snapped, his eyes bright red.

"Nobody told me, I figured it out on my own," Stiles rolled his eyes.


"Hello, it's me we're talking about," Stiles gestured to himself.

Derek's eyes were back to their light green color but they were still piercing.

"She showed a particular interest in you, she called you sweetie, which you hate."

Derek tensed at the nickname.

"And see," Stiles waved a hand towards Derek, "you get all moody and tense when she's brought up,"

Gage eyed his brother carefully. He knew how Derek got when their family was brought up.

"Look, all I was trying to say was, you can't treat yourself like you're the one who lit the fire. You were fifteen. You may be an ass, but you're life is still worth saving,"

Gage dared not move. Nobody talked so freely about that night to Derek, ever.

"You wouldn't understand," Derek growled.

Stiles scoffed, "I wouldn't understand? Do you know how many people I killed when I was possessed? I have nightmares. I remember, vividly, every feeling. But it wasn't me, not really, and sometimes I have to remind myself of that just to get through the day. So yeah, actually, I do understand."

Derek looked like he wanted to say something, but before he could, Stiles spoke up again.

"And no, I'm not sleeping with your brother." With that he walked off leaving Gage shocked and confused.

Gage had never seen Derek discuss Kate so calmly. Stiles really knew how to work Derek, it was fascinating to see.

"Why did he say we weren't sleeping together?" Gage asked looking at his brother.

"He had a bite mark on his neck. I thought maybe...what with you two being so close..."

Gage rolled his eyes, "I told you we were just friends. Besides, he's obviously sleeping with Theo."

"Theo?" Derek frowned at Gage.

"Yeah, apparently they dated several years back, they're quite close," Gage nodded as he returned to the stool he'd occupied before Derek's encounter.

"You reek of jealousy by the way," Gage smirked as he stared down at his laptop.

"Shut up," Derek growled before walking out. It was obvious he didn't want to continue the conversation.

Little bit of jealous Derek for you guys. Sorry it took me a little while to get it up, I'm super busy and have kind of overwhelmed myself with projects. Hence me posting this at 4am. Who needs sleep, right?, I do...

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