You've already done enough

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"Derek," Gage said, his voice full of surprise at the sight of his brother. 

"Gage," Derek said in a fond tone.

The two took a few steps towards each other before embracing.

"Gage," Stiles' spoke worriedly. He had that feeling again, something was gonna happen.

"What's wrong?" Gage asked pulling from his brother.

"I feel it again,"

"Well, now I'm just flattered," Vance emerged from the depths of the woods. 

Gage snarled as he pulled Stiles behind him and Derek.

"Vance, what are you doing here?" Derek frowned at the familiar alpha. 

"Derek," Vance sneered, "Come to see my handy work in person, have you?"

Derek frowned in confusion.

Vance gestured to Stiles.

"Leave the rest of the pack alone, you've already done enough," Stiles snapped turning to Vance.

"I told you, I'm gonna make you my emissary," Vance grinned maliciously.

Derek let out a deep growl.

"Why are you here?" Derek demanded. He saw no reason for Vance to be here,

"You got half my pack killed, I'm just getting what's owed to me," Vance snapped at Derek.

"Got half your pack killed? What are you talking about?" Derek frowned. Last he knew, he and Vance parted ways on good terms.

"The hunters found us the day after you left. Coincidence? I think not," Vance snapped again, his eyes turning alpha red.

"I didn't tell them where you were," Derek growled. He really hadn't. He didn't know how the hunters found Vance's pack but he hadn't told them.

"You were the only one who knew where we were." 

"I don't know how they found you, but it wasn't me."

"Call off your pack, I'll go with you," Stiles spoke up then.

"No, you won't," Derek snapped at Stiles.

"Deal," Vance nodded.

"Stiles, what are you doing?" Gage grabbed Stiles' arm.

"His pack is still out there, ours might be in serious trouble. He wants me," Stiles answered.

"Call off your pack," Stiles ordered, looking at Vance.

Vance let out an ear piercing whistle, "It's done."

Stiles nodded,


"Gage, please," Stiles pulled from the alpha's grasp.

Derek let out a snarl before lunging at Vance. 

The two were tangled in a mess of claws and fangs. Derek slashed at Vance who bit at Derek. 

Stiles, felt his spark tingling beneath his skin. His spark didn't like the fact that Derek was being attacked. Stiles looked down to see his hand had a blue glow spreading through his palm. He felt the power surging through him. Taking a deep breath he aimed and directed all his anger towards the fighting alpha's.

"Stiles, wait, you could hurt Dere-"

It was too late, a bright light shot from Stiles' hands. A loud thunder sounded as the blast hit the ground where Derek and Vance were fighting. The blast managed to separate the two without hurting them. But Stiles wasn't done. He stepped towards Vance, his eyes glowing bright blue.

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