Matched alpha

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Scott and Isaac met Stiles outside of Deaton's.

"Isaac, get Derek inside. Scott, you help me get Gage," Stiles ordered.

Isaac pulled an unsteady Derek from the front seat while Scott and Stiles got Gage from the back.

The rest of the pack was inside, waiting anxiously.

Once they got Derek and Gage comfortable Theo approached Stiles.

"Are you alright?" Theo asked touching Stiles arm gently.

Stiles turned and threw himself into Theo's arms.

Theo wrapped himself around the hybrid, tossing a nervous glance at a sad looking Derek.

"Theo," Stiles spoke quietly, not pulling away.


"I don't know what to do," Stiles sniffed. Tears had managed to escape his eyes despite his best efforts.

"About what?" Theo frowned, running a comforting hand through Stiles' hair.

"I can't lose Gage, he means too much to me," Stiles answered, his words muffled slightly by Theo's neck, where Stiles' face was currently buried.

"He'll pull through, he's strong," Theo spoke reassuringly.

"What if he doesn't? I'll lose him and Derek will lose him. Derek will never forgive me if Gage dies." Stiles' words were choked out as he fought the tears that insisted on falling from his tired eyes.

Derek, having heard every word, spoke up, "Stiles." His tone was strained.

The hybrid pulled back from Theo's grasp.

Derek felt his chest clench at the pain on Stiles face. His usual bright eyes were clouded and tear filled. A gentle crease sat between his eyebrows showing the worry he clearly felt.

Stiles reached Derek's side.

Derek grabbed Stiles' hand. The numbing returned, easing the pain he felt.

"I would never blame you for what's happened. You didn't do anything wrong," Derek spoke, barely above a whisper.

Stiles hated the pull he felt towards Derek. He was upset with the alpha, but his spark didn't seem to care.

"Stiles, you can heal him," Deaton said as he worked diligently on a concoction to cancel the effects of the wolfsbane in Gage's system.

"Who?" Stiles frowned wiping a tear just as soon as it fell.

"Derek. A spark can't heal just anyone, but a true emissary can heal their matched alpha," Deaton explained not looking up.

Stiles frowned while Derek tensed.

"What's a true emissary and matched alpha?" Stiles turned to Derek, who quickly released Stiles' hand.

The room remained silent.

"Hello?" Stiles snapped. He had a feeling this information was important.

"It's similar to a mate, but without the romantic feelings," Malia spoke up, "when someone has a spark they aren't always meant to be an emissary. Some just have the natural ability to be magical, however a 'true emissary' has an alpha that fate has tied them with. Derek is your matched alpha. He's the reason your spark got ignited to begin with," Malia quoted Deaton's explanation to her and Gage.

"Why the hell didn't you people tell me any of this stuff?" Stiles huffed looking at the pack.

"Why the hell didn't you people tell me any of this stuff?" Stiles huffed looking at the pack

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