Is it true?

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Stiles paced the living room anxiously waiting for Gage to return.

"Are you sure it was Derek and not just Gage?" Scott asked cautiously, he knew how stressed Stiles was, he could smell it.

"Unless Gage hugged himself, I'm pretty damn sure," Stiles snapped. He didn't mean to be so irritable, but he was upset. Derek was just all of a sudden back. Why? 

"Hey, look at me," Theo touched Stiles' chin carefully making Stiles look into Theo's blue eyes, "We're all right here, okay, no matter what happens, no matter what is said, remember we're here for you."

Stiles let out a sigh. Theo was right. It didn't matter what Derek said or did, he had his pack behind him.

"Try not to piss him off too badly, he's had a rough couple of days as it is." 

Stiles heard Gage's voice outside the front door. He took in a deep breath as the handle turned slowly.

Gage stepped inside with Derek behind him. The room was silent. 

"He'd gone to see Peter, just like you said he would," Gage said his voice quiet as he stepped away from his brother.

"Why are you back?" Stiles asked, his tone surprisingly calm despite his nerves and anger.

"Gage called me, he said you were...hurt," Derek answered carefully.

"You called him? Why would you do that?" Stiles turned to Gage.

Gage dropped his eyes to the ground, "I knew he'd want to know."

"Bullshit, If he cared at all, he wouldn't have left," Stiles snapped before turning back to Derek.

"Stiles, I had my reasons," 

"Is it true?" Stiles asked.

Derek closed his eyes before dropping them to the floor in front of him, "Stiles-"

"Is it true?" Stiles asked again just as calmly.

"Yes," Derek sighed.

Stiles nodded taking a few steps closer to his ex alpha, "So did you find it?"

"Stiles, I-"

"Did you find it?" Stiles snapped cutting Derek off mid sentence.

"No," Derek answered with another sigh.

Stiles felt the anger swell inside him. Before he could think about what he was doing, his fist connected with Derek's cheek. 

Derek touched the small cut as it healed quickly. Stiles' eyes were bright blue. He was pissed.

"Stiles, remember your spark responds to your anger right now," Gage said gently taking a cautious step towards the hybrid.

Stiles ignored Gage as he glared at Derek.

"Stiles, I don't expect you to understand," Derek spoke carefully. He knew provoking Stiles would only make things worse.

"Good," Stiles snapped.

"But at least let me explain myself," 

"Explain yourself? How do you plan on explaining the fact that you ditched your pack to find some spell to strip me of a spark I didn't even know I had?!" Stiles' scoffed, his voice raising as he spoke.

"I couldn't say anything, it was safer that way, the less you knew, the better," Derek spoke calmly.

"Yeah, sure let's keep Stiles in the dark about a supernatural ability he has, that's so much better," Stiles snapped, rolling his eyes.

"It's more complicated than that. Do you even know what being a spark means? The responsibility that comes with it?" Derek was losing his cool.

"Yeah, actually, but no thanks to you," 

"It's dangerous, Stiles," 

"Dangerous, or inconvenient?" Stiles snapped again.

Derek let out a frustrated huff.

"Look, I get not wanting to be tied to me or whatever, but that doesn't give you the right to try and strip me of my spark. Did you even care how I might feel about it?" Stiles asked though he knew the answer.

"Your life is more important than your feelings, Stiles," Derek growled. The familiarity of their arguing was almost soothing to Derek. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed Stiles.

"Right, because you care so much," Stiles sneered sarcastically.

"I know this may be hard for you to grasp, but most of what I do is to keep you and this pack safe," Derek snapped.

"That's why you disappeared?" Stiles crossed his arms. He was surprised no one else had piped in yet, but they knew this was ultimately between Derek and Stiles.

"I was looking for the spell," Derek said trying to calm himself down, he was getting pissed. He knew Stiles wouldn't be understanding but he was a lot more confrontational than he had expected.

"To smother my spark," Stiles threw his hands up in frustration, "There is no part of this that's okay. You left without a word, no goodbye, no 'hey I'll be back', nothing. I thought you were dead at one point, I was genuinely worried for you. But that didn't matter to you, so long as you didn't have to tie yourself to me," Stiles's voice was almost a full on yell now.

"Your right, I didn't want to tie myself to you, and I didn't want you tied to anybody else so I thought the best way to handle that would be to eliminate your spark. You didn't even know you had it, it's not like you were going to miss it," Derek raised his voice to match Stiles'.

"Oh so you don't want me but no one else can have me, is that it?" Stiles felt the tingling beneath his skin. 

"I'm your alpha, of course I don't want anyone else to have you," Derek snapped.

"News flash, you're not my alpha," Stiles snapped back, tossing a glance towards Gage.

Derek tensed. Those words were like needles in his spine. The fact that Gage was actually Stiles' legitimate alpha hadn't occurred to Derek. Derek felt a sudden anger towards his brother he'd never felt before.

"Don't even think about blaming him, the only reason I got turned in the first place is because of you. Vance came after me, because of you. He wanted payback and he thought the best way would be through me," Stiles saw the familiar anger in Derek's eyes.

"So what, I'm gone a month and you replace me with my brother?" Derek snapped.

"You were gone for three months before Gage showed up. He earned his spot as alpha. And might I remind you that you never even told us about him? I had to pull records on your family to check. It seemed like something that might come up in the two years I've known you, but you can't be bothered to trust anyone other than yourself,"

"You have just as many trust issues as I do, so don't play that card," Derek growled. His calm was completely gone and he knew if he wasn't careful Stiles was going to cause him to say or do something stupid or rash, or both.

"I trusted you," Stiles said, his tone breaking slightly.

Derek felt his chest tighten at the sadness Stiles was letting off suddenly, 

"I guess it only makes sense that I'd live up to the disappointment I'm known for," Derek sneered. He was putting up the walls that Stiles so easily tore down whenever he was near. Derek couldn't have those walls down when Stiles was feeling this way, he was Derek's weakness.

"You think you can just come traipsing back here like some hotshot alpha? You might have been the king before, but let me let you in on a little secret, I cleared the chess board when you left, Gage is king now, I have no use for you," With that Stiles stepped past the alpha and out the front door, leaving a broken Derek behind him.

Boom Derek and Stiles reunited. Hope it was satisfactory. 😊

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