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Derek paused a few meters from the building. He really didn't want Stiles to go with him.

"Stiles," Derek spoke in a whisper, "is there any way I can convince you to stay out here?" Derek turned to face the hybrid.

"I'm not letting you go in there alone," Stiles responded shaking his head.

Derek turned away from Stiles, now wasn't the time to argue with him.

Suddenly he felt Stiles' hand slip into his. Derek frowned down at their clasped hands. He felt a calm wash over him.

"This used to calm Gage when we were about to walk into trouble," Stiles explained trying to gauge Derek's reaction.

Derek pulled Stiles closer, turning to the hybrid. "Listen to me, I know Gage is your alpha, but right now I'm asking for you to please listen to me in there. I don't even want you going in there, so please just do as I say," Derek begged not releasing Stiles' hand.

Stiles only nodded. He could feel the nervous energy coming from Derek, it made him want to pull Derek into his arms and hold him until the nerves melted away.

Derek, sensing Stiles' spark reach out to him, let go of Stiles's hand and stepped back.


Gage felt like his head was going to split open. His body was weak and it felt like fire was searing through his veins.

"Last chance to tell me where Alan Deaton is. I know you know," Vance growled.


"Telling me anything, yeah I know," Vance growled, rolling his eyes. He'd repeated the phrase at least a dozen times already.

"Why do you want Deaton?" Derek's voice asked. Gage tried to look up but he felt another pinch in his arm causing the world to go black.

Vance turned to see Derek and Stiles walking towards him.

"Ah, I was wondering when you'd show," Vance smiled at the pair.

"Gage," Stiles' voice was quiet and broken as he took in the scene before him. Gage was being suspended by his arms above his head. His feet were also tied together.

"What have you done to him?" Stiles snapped angrily, taking a few hostile steps towards the alpha.

Derek grabbed Stiles' arm, "Stiles, don't."

Stiles felt Derek's nervous energy under his touch. He felt himself being torn. His spark wanted to comfort Derek and protect him, but his wolf wanted to get to Gage, and save his alpha. His spark wanted Derek and his wolf wanted Gage.

"Looks like someone is testy," Vance grinned tauntingly.

Stiles realized his spark was coming to the surface and so was his wolf.

"I killed you," Stiles growled at the blonde man standing between him and his alpha.

"You tried and almost accomplished. But while you're spark tried to kill me, it also saved me by jumpstarting my healing process," Vance walked towards Stiles, "you see, your spark's natural instinct is to protect it's alpha, and you're not tied to one so it doesn't know when to hurt or to help. Your spark wants Derek so it hurt me to protect him, but once he was no longer in danger, it helped me," Vance spoke reaching out to touch Stiles' cheek.

Derek growled, pulling Stiles behind him.

"So possessive," Vance smirked.

Stiles' hands began to tingle. "What do you want?"

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