Piss him off

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Stiles knew he shouldn't push it, but the feeling of being truly wanted was too much. He gripped the back of Peter's neck before parting his lips.

Peter couldn't help but give in. He knew Derek would kill him if he found out, but Stiles was intoxicating.

The feeling of Peter's hand on his thigh caused Stiles to do something even more brave. He grabbed Peter's hand and slid it along his leg until he reached his ass. He then lifted his leg and straddled Peter's lap, not once disconnecting their lips.

Peter, surprised by the sudden action gripped Stiles gently, pulling him in closer.

Stiles would be lying if he said he'd never thought of Peter in this way, but he never imagined he'd ever do anything with the older guy.

"Stiles, wait," Peter spoke into the kiss. He didn't know why, but he felt guilty suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Stiles asked pulling back slightly, breathless.

Peter was about to respond when Stiles spoke again.

"Please don't tell me you're rejected me as well," Stiles practically begged.

"No, of course not, I could never," Peter frowned, shaking his head.

"Then what is it?"

"I know you're only doing this because Derek and Gage are idiots, and I'm totally okay with that, but I just want you to know, Derek will never forgive me for this, and he'll never trust you alone with me again," Peter knew how Derek felt about Stiles. It had always been obvious to him.

"Derek? I'd be more concerned with Gage, he really doesn't seem to like you," Stiles frowned, running his hands up Peter's arms.

"Yes, well, Derek's the one in love with you, not Gage," Peter huffed.

Stiles froze, "Derek's not in love with me. Theo-"

"Is absolutely right," Peter interrupted.

Stiles rolled his eyes, he wasn't in the mood to have this argument again today.

"Well if he truly felt that way, he wouldn't have rejected me."

"You don't believe me," Peter noted.

"If you really think that than this will be a gentle kick in the balls," Stiles smirked. He was under no illusion that Derek had any romantic feelings for him, despite what Theo and Peter said.

"You're really upset with him aren't you?" Peter cocked his head slightly.

"You know, I'm pretty sure it's a bad idea to talk about another guy while already with one," Stiles whispered in Peter's ear.

Peter fought with the guilt he was feeling as Stiles ran his tongue along his jaw.

Stiles gently ground down onto Peter's lap. That was enough to make Peter forget all about Derek. He reconnected their lips roughly causing Stiles to let out a gentle moan.

At that moment, Peter's phone rang, causing Stiles to pull away.

"It's Derek," Peter immediately felt the guilt creep back in.

"Don't answer it, he's probably just mad cause I turned mine off," Stiles leaned in again.

Peter pulled back, "You turned your phone off? Stiles, if I don't answer this, he's going to come back." Peter knew Derek too well.

"I knew if I didn't turn it off, he'd call and text a thousand times," Stiles huffed.

"Just let me assure him that you're still here, and I haven't killed you," Peter pleaded.

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