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Stiles spent hours pouring over Deaton's books and records. He was determined to find a way to undo the witch's spell.

"Stiles, we've been at this all day, I think if there was another way Deaton would know it," Scott huffed, leaning back in his chair.

"I can't give up," Stiles shook his head. He couldn't tie himself to Derek, that's not something Derek would forgive easily, if ever.

"Maybe we should try to find the witch, wouldn't you like to rip her apart?" Malia threw her hands up.

"We don't have time to find her, and even if we did, it's not likely she'd undo it," Stiles shook his head going to reach for another book when his hand sparked.

"He's having another episode, isn't he?" Allison asked.

Stiles clenched his fists and nodded. Derek had gone back home with Gage while Stiles stayed behind.

"Maybe we're going about this the wrong way," Lydia said thoughtfully.

"How so?" Allison frowned.

"We're trying to find a solution that doesn't exist. What if instead of trying to find a solution, we make one."

"What are you thinking?" Stiles asked the redhead, curiously.

"You're not just a druid, you're a true alpha too, and your Derek's true emissary. What if we used your true alpha spark instead of your emissary spark? I read once that the ancestors of the myan witch coven used to bind their coven leaders with a ritual rather than a spell like most covens. What if we could find a similar ritual that could use Stiles' alpha spark instead," Lydia looked thoughtful.

"Lydia, you just gave me an idea," Deaton opened a drawer pulling out a book, "this is a book of all the old law rituals done by the druids. There was a Gaelic ritual used to transfer the spark of one alpha to another upon death. This was used in families to pass on the pack to the eldest child," Deaton flipped carefully through the old book.

"Like Laura. Gage said she was to become the alpha after their mother," Stiles nodded.

"Exactly, when the child is born the ritual is done. Once Talia was killed, Laura became the alpha. It can only be voided if someone steals the alpha spark," Deaton explained,
"Maybe I can use the same ritual to transfer the alpha spark to Derek from Stiles."

"Wait, wouldn't that require Stiles to die?" Malia frowned.

"It wouldn't be the first time," Stiles shuddered at the memory of the nogitsune.

"Your spark would force that door closed, there wouldn't be risk of anything getting in, not like last time." Deaton knew Stiles' fear.

"It says here it can only be passed on to family," Lydia read from the page Deaton had stopped at.

"True, however Stiles and Derek have a connection that runs deeper than family."

"Cause I'm his true emissary," Stiles nodded.

"What happens to Stiles after?" Scott asked, looking at his best friend.

"He will lose his werewolf status completely," Deaton turned to Stiles, "you'll just be a druid."

Stiles didn't even hesitate, "Do it."


Getting Derek to cooperate was easier than they thought it would be. He truly believed he was in a dream and Gage had convinced him the best way to wake up was to finish the dream.

Now Derek and Stiles were standing hand in hand while Deaton performed the transfer ritual. He mixed together a liquid that Stiles couldn't help but grimace at. It looked less than appetizing.

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