Brick wall

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Stiles dialed Derek's number, waiting anxiously. "Come on," Stiles begged into the phone, "Please, answer."

"You've reached the voicemail box of-"

"Damn it," Stiles swore as he listened to the automated message that Derek hadn't bothered to set up. 

"Derek, you're unbelievable, you know that? I don't know why I'm even bothering to call you, you didn't answer, as I suspected would be the case. And if you even bother to listen to this voicemail, it's totally pointless cause it's like talking to a brick wall. A really really stubborn brick wall, with thorns. That's what you are Derek, a really stubborn brick wall with thorns. Apparently I like brick walls and thorns cause I continue to throw myself at you trying to to break you down, but I just keep ending up bruised and bloody. Damn it, call me," Stiles threw his phone down in frustration.

Just then there was a gentle knock at his partially open door. Gage poked his head in, "Hey Stiles, did I just hear you call Derek a stubborn brick wall with thorns?" 

"Did you know?" Stiles whirled around to face Gage.

"That he was a brick wall?" Gage asked raising his brow in confusion.

"That he was planning on leaving," Stiles snapped.

"Leaving where?" Gage frowned. 

"Beacon Hills. Again," Stiles snapped, "For good, this time" His voice dropped. It frustrated him to think about.

Gage let out a heavy sigh, "How do you know?"

"He was loading his car, when I got home," Stiles huffed.

"You let him leave?" Gage huffed.

"Let him? Derek doesn't listen to me. I tried to get my dad to arrest him for the day, but he wouldn't. Derek said he's gonna get some witch to remove his alpha status so our connection will break. Is that possible?"

"Yes, it's very possible, but it's also very dangerous. Laura used to threaten our parents that she would get hers removed once it was passed on to her. She was to be the next 'Alpha Hale' She didn't to be. Our mother made her watch someone have it done. Laura never threatened it again."

"Why? What happened?" Stiles asked, worry laced in his tone.

"It's excruciating, and only a sixty percent chance you'll live through it," Gage answered in a stressed tone.

 Stiles ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"How long ago did he leave?" Gage asked pulling out his phone.

"Like fifteen minutes ago," Stiles gestured to the door, "I tried calling him, hence the brick wall comment you heard," 

"Here, use my phone, he'll think it's me. You have to stop him," Gage shoved his phone into Stiles hand.

"Didn't you just hear me? He doesn't listen to me," Stiles huffed.

"Stiles, he loves you, he'll listen, you just have to make him," Gage insisted.

Stiles rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me you believe that too."

"Stiles, I know you didn't believe Peter or Theo, but believe me," 

"How did you know about Peter?" Stiles frowned.

"Derek told me what happened last night," Gage dropped his voice a bit.

"Look, whatever reason you guys have for thinking Derek loves me, is ridiculous, Derek couldn't love me less than he does, in fact-"

"Stiles, he told me he was in love with you," Gage snapped cutting Stiles off mid sentence.

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