Too early in the relationship to say

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The smell of blueberry pancakes hit Stiles' nose as he and Gage were served their food.

"It smells heavenly, right?" Stiles grinned at Gage who was eyeing the tray of food hungrily.

"I'm glad you think so, I made sure you got extra whipped cream cause I know how much you like it." The girl serving them grinned widely at Stiles. She was no more than sixteen, blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Thanks, Amelia." Stiles smiled not looking up from the plate she had sat in front of him.

"Who's your friend? You don't normally bring anyone other than Scott with you." Amelia asked glancing at Gage before focusing her eyes back on Stiles.

"He's..." Stiles paused looking up at Gage.

The alpha raised a brow while smirking. He was curious what Stiles' response would be.

"Umm, well it's still a little early in the relationship to say, I guess." Stiles shrugged.

The shock on Amelia's face caused Gage to laugh.

"Oh." Amelia looked at Gage enviously.

"Gage." The werewolf stuck his hand out.

"Nice to meet you." Amelia took Gage's hand obviously trying to be polite but Gage could smell the jealousy rolling off of her.

"Enjoy." Amelia turned then, hurrying off to her next task.

"She seems nice." Gage noted.

"Yeah, she always insists on serving me when I come in, it's sweet." Stiles smiled at the waitress as if she were like a little sister to him.

"That poor girl." Gage laughed shaking his head.

"What? Why?" Stiles frowned before shoving a fork full of blueberry pancake in his mouth.

"She obviously likes you and you made her think we were in a relationship together." Gage answered as he ate a piece of bacon.

"What? No I didn't. She asked who you were, we're not really friends, and acquaintances sounds weird." Stiles shook his head.

"So you told her it was too early in the relationship to say." Gage said with a grin.

Stiles eyes went wide. "Dude, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to- I can't believe I-" Stiles cut himself off as he groaned.

"I think it's funny. Amelia, however..." Gage tossed a glance at the sulking blonde.

"Amelia doesn't like me, she's just a sweet girl." Stiles shook his head as he shovled in another bite.

"Right, and I'm the queen of England." Gage scoffed.

"I think you'd make a handsome queen." Stiles winked.

Gage chuckled. "You're a lot of fun, Stiles. You would have liked Laura. You remind me a lot of her."

Stiles bit his lower lip.

"I made you uncomfortable." Gage noted Stiles' mood change.

"It's just...Derek never talked about his family, ever." Stiles shrugged.

"It's weird to hear them be mentioned so casually."

"Derek hated when Laura and I would reminisce about old times. I think it made him feel guilty." Gage sighed as he played with the straw in his water.

"Yeah, if I so much as thought about mentioning them or Kate or anything to do with that night, Derek would threaten my life. I decided it best not to provoke the wolf."

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