better suited

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Stiles walked into the house only for it to fall silent. The pack was gathered around the dining room table.

"What's going on?" Stiles frowned, looking to Gage.

"Stiles, good timing, we are actually having a pack meeting." Gage looked tense as he spoke.

"You didn't call me?"

"I wanted to give you time," Gage answered.

"So what is this about?" Stiles asked gesturing to the table.

No one said a word.

"Gage," Stiles looked at his alpha with a questioning stare.

"I...." Gage trailed off.

Derek could sense the nerves his brother was feeling.

"Look, Stiles-" Derek started.

Gage cut his brother off, "Derek, I said let me handle him,"

Stiles narrowed his eyes at the twins.

"Stiles, now that Derek is back...I'm stepping down as alpha. He's-"

"What?!" Stiles snapped. Had he just heard right?

"He knows this pack better than I do. He's better suited to-"

"Just stop," Stiles held up his hand. He didn't want to hear what Gage had to say.

"I know you don't like it, but if he had been here instead of me, you never would have gotten hurt like you did. Derek's priority has always been the pack's safety." Gage looked to Derek who stood quietly behind him.

"That's just it, Derek wasn't here, because he left," Stiles snapped shooting a glare at Derek.

"Stiles, I'm sorry, but this is how it's going to be," Gage sighed. He hated arguing with Stiles.

Stiles turned to the pack, "You're okay with this?"

"Stiles, this is Derek's pack, he knows us better than Gage," Lydia spoke up gently,  "Not that Gage was a bad alpha, but he didn't know how to handle Liam's IED or Isaac and Ethan's fighting, or-"

"But I do," Stiles cut in.

"But nobody knows you like Derek,"

Stiles clenched his fists. He knew Lydia was right, but he still didn't like it.

"Malia, I know you're not okay with this," Stiles turned to his ex.

Malia dropped her head in shame, "Gage is right, you never would have gotten hurt if Derek had been here."

"But he wasn't, he left!" Stiles shouted throwing his hands up.

"Because he was trying to protect you," Scott piped in.

"By erasing my spark," Stiles snapped.

"I'm not saying it was a good idea, but he was only trying to look after you," Scott responded calmly.

Stiles couldn't believe his ears.

"And now that you're a druid, you're going to be in danger now more than ever," Gage sighed, "Derek is better suited to protect you."

Stiles turned to his alpha, "So you're leaving me?" Stiles' tone was accusing and hurt.

"No, of course not, I promised you I wouldn't leave you. I'm just trying to do what's best for you," Gage took a step towards Stiles.

"Is this really only about protecting me?" Stiles snapped looking at the pack.

No one said anything.

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