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Stiles pulled his coat around him tighter as Gage knocked on the door to the old boarding school.

"Are you sure she's here?" Stiles asked, looking around for any proof that a witch lived here.

"The sheriff said she taught here," Gage responded knocking again.

The door suddenly opened to a man with piercing blue eyes.

"May I help you?" The guy asked giving Gage a smirk.

"Umm, we're looking for Bonnie Bennett, is she here?" Gage asked nervously.

Stiles could smell something new radiating from Gage, was that what nerves smelled like?

"Sure, follow me," The guy turned leading the pair inside.

"I'm Damon by the way," The blue eyed guy turned to Gage.

"I'm Gage, this is Stiles," Gage answered.

"What brings you to Mystic Falls?" Damon asked.

"Bonnie, obviously," Stiles scoffed.

"Someone's on edge," Damon winked at Stiles, who rolled his eyes.

"It was a long trip," Gage said tossing Stiles a look that said behave.

"Where from?"


"That's an awfully long way. Bonnie has a phone you know," Damon raised a brow at Gage.

"Yeah, she didn't answer," Gage seemed to be growing more uncomfortable.

"Well I know she's working on...something difficult so she's been rather occupied the past couple of days," Damon responded stopping in front of a door.

"Hey, Bon Bon, you've got company," Damon tapped on her door.

"It's open," She called from inside.

Damon opened the door to reveal a young woman standing on a desk chair trying to reach a book from the top shelf of a bookcase.

"Bonnie Bennett, are you trying to break your neck?" Damon snapped as he hurried over, catching the witch as the chair rolled out from under her, and a pile of books fell from the top.

"Next time, ask for help, unless you're trying to kill yourself in which case I'm gonna start force feeding you my blood" Damon set Bonnie on her feet, smirking down at her.

"Next time, ask for help, unless you're trying to kill yourself in which case I'm gonna start force feeding you my blood" Damon set Bonnie on her feet, smirking down at her

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Bonnie only smiled before turning to Gage,
"Derek, there you are, I was beginning to worry- oh, you said you were coming alone?" Bonnie frowned noticing Stiles suddenly.

"Wait, is this..." Bonnie stepped towards Stiles.

"It is, I can feel his magic," Bonnie smiled.

"Derek's not here yet?" Stiles asked ignoring her comment about his spark.

Bonnie looked at Gage, "Oh, Gage it's you, I thought- I'm sorry." Bonnie shook her head.

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