DNA sample

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Stiles opened his eyes and slowly allowed his eyesight to adjust. He was currently in Deaton's examination room.

"Stiles, welcome back," Deaton grinned as Stiles carefully sat up.

"What-what happened?" He Couldn't remember anything after Vance had him against the wall.

"You nearly died," Deaton answered as he checked Stiles' vital signs.

"I what?" Stiles squeaked. Surely Deaton was exaggerating.

"Your spark saved your life," Deaton explained as he inspected Stiles' eyes with his light.

"My spark..." Stiles said more to himself, "Derek wanted to get rid of my spark."

"Get rid of it?" Deaton drowned at Stiles.

"Vance said he was looking for a spell that would erase my spark because he didn't want to tie himself to me," Stiles explained.

"So he did know about your spark," Deaton nodded thoughtfully.

"Is there such a spell?" Stiles asked worriedly.

"There is one witch who succeeded in performing such a spell, however it only works if the spark hasn't been fully ignited," Deaton answered.

"Has mine?" Stiles asked.

"It has," Deaton smiled proudly.

Stiles ran his hands over his face with a sigh.

"Stiles," Deaton spoke urgently grabbing Stiles arm.

"What?" Stiles asked panicked.

"Your arm, it's healed," Deaton examined where Gage had bitten Stiles' forearm. There was no sign of a wound.

"What are you talking about?" Stiles frowned looking at the spot Deaton was fixated on.

Deaton hurried to the door calling the pack in, before continuing to examine Stiles.

"Stiles," Gage gripped the human in a tight hug.

"Gage, his arm," Deaton spoke up.

Gage pulled back looking at the arm where the bite had been.

"It's gone," Gage said in surprise. He turned to Deaton, "what does this mean?"

"I'm not sure," Deaton answered honestly.

"Hey, does somebody want to fill me in here?" Stiles waved his hands in frustration.

All eyes landed on Gage.

"I...you were dying, I bit you in hopes of saving you," Gage spoke quietly.

Stiles looked down at his arm.

"Am I...?" Stiles couldn't finish the sentence.

"I'll need to do a DNA sample," Deaton answered.

"I thought you said my spark saved me?" Stiles looked at the druid with confusion.

"I thought it had, the bite wasn't healing. Your electrical currents were high..." Deaton trailed off, shaking his head.

"Could his spark have healed it?" Gage asked.

"It's unlikely. The chances of a spark healing you is very slim, I thought perhaps because it wasn't in full effect, that was how it was able to heal your throat. But perhaps your spark kept you alive long enough for the bite to take effect," Deaton spoke quickly as he worked on reading a sample of Stiles' blood.

"Wouldn't one cancel the other out?" Scott piped in. The rest of the pack remained silent as they watched Deaton.

"I would have thought," Deaton nodded. He pricked Stiles finger and turned back to his beakers.

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