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Gage and Stiles walked into the sheriff's station and past the front desk. 

"Stiles, thank goodness, we don't know what to do. The kid is freaking out. He keeps yelling and begging us to let him out," Sheriff Stilinski spoke urgently.

"Where are his parents?" Gage frowned.

"They agreed to let us keep him in holding for twenty four hours for safety precautions. They're afraid that whoever grabbed him the first time is gonna try again," The Sheriff answered. 

"Your station is one of the best run, if there's anywhere he's safe, it's here," Gage nodded stepping past Stiles' dad.

"I really like him, so much better than Derek," Noah smiled after the Hale twin.

"Derek had his reasons for leaving, that doesn't make him a bad person," Stiles snapped.

Noah raised his brows at his son as if waiting for an explanation.

Stiles followed after Gage, dropping the conversation. 

"Please, you have to let me out, I have to get out of here," A young guy no older than sixteen was gripping the bars of his cell tightly.

"Hey, okay, calm down, let's just talk for a second okay?" Stiles spoke gently walking slowly towards the cell.

"It's safer in there so I'm gonna come in, alright?" Stiles nodded at the deputy next to the door. The deputy slid his keycard unlocking the cell door for Stiles.

Stiles stepped in as the kid backed away. 

"Stay away from me," The kid begged quietly.

"Hey, It's okay, I'm here to help," Stiles put his hands up. 

"Let's talk in private," Stiles nodded at his dad. Noah, Gage and the two deputies all filed out of the room leaving Stiles and the young guy alone.

"What's your name?" Stiles asked gently.

The boy didn't respond.

"I'm Stiles."

Still no response.

"I know about what happened to you and your friends. I heard that you wouldn't tell the cops what happened. All you would say was 'they glowed'. Were you talking about the guy's eyes? Did his eyes glow?" Stiles asked taking a seat on the floor of the cell across from the boy.

The boy's eyes widened, "How did you know?"

"I've seen a guy like that," Stiles answered simply. 

"I've never seen anything like it before," The boy shivered at the memory.

"Can you tell me what color they were?" Stiles asked.

"Red," The kid whispered as if it was dangerous to say.

"Listen..." Stiles paused.

"Nathan," The boy finished.

"Nathan, I want to help you, but you have to tell me everything. What happened?" Stiles urged gently. 

"My friends and I, Andrew and Jason, we were in the woods, just shooting our slingshots. We always go to the same spot, we didn't think anyone owned the property. We heard it before we saw it, a low growl. I thought it was a regular dog. We ran. Jason got caught. This was no regular dog, he stood on two feet. He looked like a..."

"Werewolf," Stiles finished for Nathan.

Nathan nodded, his eyes wide.

"What happened next?" Stiles pressed.

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