He's close

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Gage peered into Stiles' room to see the hybrid asleep at his computer. He'd spent the last few weeks trying to find Derek non-stop, to no avail.

"Stiles," Gage nudged Stiles gently.

The true alpha stirred slowly. He'd barely slept lately.

"Hey, I got a call from your dad, he wants to see us at the station," Gage spoke gently. Stiles had been on edge lately and his spark was extra sensitive.

"What? Why? I didn't get a call," Stiles grabbed his phone to see three missed calls from his dad.

"Shit, what did he say? Did he find Derek? Is he alive? Please don't tell me he's dead," Stiles was on his feet in seconds.

"He just said he wanted to talk to you and I," Gage shook his head.


"Dad, did you find him? Please tell me you found him," Stiles barged into his Dad's office.

"Stiles, Gage," The sheriff stood, he looked just as tired as Stiles did.

"Come with me," He lead them into the impound garage.

"That's Derek's car," Stiles stopped short upon seeing the familiar black sports car.

"Dispatch got a call about a car stashed in one of the storage containers on the edge of town. A deputy was sent out, this is what they found," Sheriff Stilinski pointed.

"Did you look for him? Was he there?" Stiles demanded.

"I scoured the place myself Stiles, the only thing there, was the car, his phone was inside, dead. We charged it and tried to find evidence of who could have done something to him but, there's nothing. The last person he talked to according to his phone was Gage," Sheriff held out the black device, "We searched the car for prints, signs of a break in, nothing. The keys were inside."

Stiles gripped his hair with both hands, letting out a frustrated growl. Sparks jumped around him.

"Stiles," Gage pulled the hybrid into him. He had become Stiles' anchor during the past few weeks. "We'll find him."

"It's been almost 3 weeks, don't you think we would have found him by now?" Stiles snapped burying his head into Gage's chest. He was tired and he was stressed.

"I'll call Bonnie, maybe she can find some sort of magical clue we can't," Gage offered.

"If his car was left here, he never even made it out if Beacon Hills," Stiles pulled back from Gage, "That means he has to be here, right?"

"I don't know," Gage answered honestly.

"Call Bonnie, get her out here as fast as possible," Stiles turned to his dad, "Can I take the car?"

"Yeah, Gage can sign for it since it's his brother," The sheriff nodded.


Gage opened the door to Bonnie and Damon.

"You brought Damon," Gage shifted nervously.

"She doesn't go anywhere without me," Damon grinned following Bonnie inside.

"Oh, Stiles," Bonnie rushed to Stiles' side, taking a seat on the couch next to him, "You're spark is acting up, are you okay?"

"Actually this is the calmest it's been in weeks," Stiles frowned at witch. It was true. He actually felt hopeful since having found Derek's car.

Bonnie looked shocked. "Stiles, your spark is reacting to something. Like it senses danger. Don't you feel that?" Bonnie touched Stiles forehead as if looking for a fever.

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