Emergency meeting

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Stiles paced the floor of Deaton's staff room, a small closet sized room with a table in the center. Deaton had given the pack permission to use the six by six room for pack meetings during the week. When the office was closed they were allowed to use the examination room. It was currently Saturday, which meant the office was closed. Stiles usually only called pack meetings on Sunday's and Wednesday's, but this was an emergency.

"What are you so worried about?" Gage asked, watching Stiles walk from one end of the tiny room to the other.

"I'm just thinking about the way they're gonna react." Stiles answered not slowing his pace.

"You don't see it going well?" Gage raised a brow at the human.

"No, it's not that. In fact I think it's going to go quite well, but I have a feeling they're going to bring up things I'd rather not talk about." Stiles sighed finally stopping his stride.

"They're five minutes late." Stiles snapped glancing at the clock, then down to his watch, then back up at the clock again.

"I think they're here." Gage said as he heard talking outside.

Stiles opened the door to walk into the examination room just as the rest of the pack walked in.

"Six minutes late, when I call an emergency pack meeting, it's because it's an emergency." Stiles huffed throwing his arms up in frustration.

The pack stood still and silent. Stiles was about to question them when he realized they were looking past him.

He turned to see Gage standing behind him.

"Oh uh, hol-hold on a second." Stiles turned to Gage.

"Let me do the talking."

Gage gave a small nod as Stiles turned back to the pack.

"Okay, so I'm sure you have figured out why I called an emergency meeting." Stiles squinted at the pack waiting for the outbursts he knew were coming.

"He's not our alpha anymore." Scott snapped.

"Scott, yes, he is." Issac disagreed.

"I agree, he can't just show back up and take back the pack he obviously doesn't care about." Allison glared at the alpha.

"Maybe he has a good explanation." Liam shrugged.

"It would have to be a damn good one." Malia scoffed.

"It was obviously good enough to win over Stiles and we all know how impossible that is." Lydia piped in.

The pack all turned to Stiles, who shifted slightly.

"Okay, so, this seems a little crazy, I know, but-"

"A little crazy? Stiles did you forget what he put you through? He left without so much as a word." Scott snapped, cutting Stiles off mid sentence.

"But this-"

"You never trust anyone so easily much less forgive, don't let you're thoughts cloud your judgment. I know you missed him but you were devastated for weeks." Lydia spoke gently.


"She's right."

"Okay, stop." Stiles yelled. He knew they were going to go down that path again and he didn't want to think about Derek.

"This has nothing to do with Derek. Well...not entirely." Stiles frowned glancing at Gage.

"Maybe you could explain that a little better?" Isaac asked cocking his head.

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