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Stiles carefully made his way down the stairs being sure not to wake anyone up. It was barely after seven. He'd actually gotten a full night of sleep for the first time since Derek had been back. 

"Stiles, you're up early," Gage commented when the druid walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, he made it through the night without any nightmares, finally," Stiles smiled widely at the alpha.

"He didn't wake up at all?" Gage asked surprised.

"Not even once," Stiles shook his head. Derek had been waking two to three times a night with nightmares for the past week. The first night it had happened stressed Stiles out so much he had decided to stay with Derek at night.

Stiles woke to the feel of his spark on high alert. He bolted up in bed, his hands a glow with the heat of his spark. What was going on? That's when he heard Derek's scream. Stiles threw the covers off of him and rushed out of his room towards Derek's. Damon and Bonnie had left that morning, allowing Stiles to have his room back. 

The rest of the pack was stirring Stiles knew, there was no way the whole house wasn't awake. Stiles burst into Derek's room, unsure of what he'd find, an evil witch hovering over him, blood, maybe a chainsaw cutting him in half, by the sounds that Derek was making. But all that he saw was Derek thrashing wildly in his bed, trapped in his bed sheets.

"Derek," Stiles grabbed the werewolf letting his spark calm his wolf. 

Derek quieted down but still thrashed as if trying to get away from Stiles. 

"Derek, it's okay, it's me, I've got you, it's okay," Stiles missed his werewolf strength at that moment, it would have come in handy as he wrapped his arms around the thrashing alpha.

"Shhh, I've got you," Stiles spoke calmly as Derek finally started to calm down. 

"Stiles," Derek panted heavily. 

"I'm right here," Stiles held Derek against his chest so the sound of his heart was against his ear.

Derek relaxed into the druid's arms.

"You were drowning, but it was wolfsbane, I tried to save you, but I couldn't, I couldn't," Derek fought to steady his breathing as he gripped Stiles' arms that were still wrapped around him.

"I'm okay, it was just a dream," Stiles looked towards Derek's bedroom door where the pack stood worriedly.

"That's incredible. What changed?" Gage asked.

"I don't know," Stiles shook his head, "I just hope whatever it is, sticks," 

"I talked to Bonnie, she told me I could trick my mind into having a positive dream. She was almost certain that the nightmares are me remembering the images the witch put in my head. She gave me the recipe for a tea to help me control my dreams. I would have told you, but I didn't want to get your hopes up in case it didn't work," Derek's voice spoke as he walked down the stairs.

"When did you talk to Bonnie?" Gage asked looking up at his brother.

"Yesterday morning. I could see how tired you were, and I felt bad, I knew you wouldn't get a good night's sleep unless I stopped having the nightmares." Derek answered turning to Stiles.

Stiles gave a sympathetic look to the alpha. He felt guilty, Stiles could tell.

"I can't take it every night though. She said I can have adverse reactions to the herbs if I take them too frequently," Derek explained.

"Well Deaton should have gotten back into town last night, we can talk to him and see if there's anything we can do," Gage put a comforting hand on Derek's shoulder.

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