Tell him

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Gage watched as Derek paced the living room. He hadn't stopped since they walked in.

"Derek, relax," Gage sighed.

"Relax? Stiles is an alpha, which means he has no connection to either of us anymore, and we just left him with Peter," Derek growled.

"Peter isn't going to do anything to Stiles," Gage knew that Peter cared for Stiles on some level and he would never do anything to hurt him.

"I'm more worried about what Peter is gonna say to him. He's mad at both of us," Derek reminded Gage.

"He's not mad, he's upset," Gage disagreed. He knew how frustrated Stiles was over his spark.

"Trust me he's mad at me, I'm the reason Theo broke up with him," Derek ran his hands through his hair at the memory of Stiles healing him.

"What are you talking about? What did you do?" Gage groaned. Couldn't Derek stop hurting Stiles for five minutes?

"He healed me, apparently true emissaries can heal their matched alpha, hence how he found out. When he did, his spark and my alpha connected. It was like every emotion I was feeling for Stiles had been announced over the PA. The whole room could smell it. Stiles didn't notice but everyone else did. I left immediately. Isaac came out and tried convincing me to tell him. I called Argent to take the pack to clean up Vance and his pack. Stiles and I shared a moment. He told me I could gain his trust back. He just wanted me to let him in..." Derek trailed off.

"You said no," Gage nodded understanding why Stiles felt so rejected. It was a physical moment as well. I couldn't help it, I felt his spark reaching out to me. I just needed to hold him. Theo walked in," Derek explained, looking ashamed.

"Why won't you just let him in? You need him," Gage huffed in frustration.

"I'm gonna call him," Derek pulled out his phone.

"If he's not answering your texts, what makes you think he's going to answer your call?" Gage crossed his arms.

Derek ignored his brother as he dialed Stiles' number. "It went straight to voicemail," Derek frowned as he tried again, "he turned his phone off. I'm calling Peter."

"Derek, no, I have not killed Stiles," Peter's voice answered the phone.

"His phone is off," Derek growled.

"Yeah, he mentioned that. Apparently you would call him a thousand times. I'm guessing he was right," Peter responded.

"Where is he?" Derek demanded. He was in no mood to be ignored.

"He's right, here."

Derek frowned at Peter's tone. He almost sounded like he was holding back a moan.

"Peter," Derek growled.

"Hmm?" Peter asked innocently.

"Put Stiles on the phone."

Derek heard Peter tell Stiles, "He wants to talk to you,"

"Tell him my mouth is busy," Stiles said Cleary. Derek felt his stomach flip.

"Stiles, are you trying to get me killed?" Peter hissed. Was that fear in Peter's tone?

"He's kidding, obviously."

Derek wished he could hear Peter's heart beat through the phone.

"I don't like him there with you, I'm coming back," Derek snapped before hanging up.

"Derek, what are you doing?" Gage huffed.

"I don't trust them together," Derek growled grabbing his keys.

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