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"This one is nice." Isaac held up his phone to show an apartment for sale.

"Oh I like that, send it to Stiles." Gage smiled at the screen.

The pack was all at Stiles' house, minus Malia. They were helping Stiles look up places for Gage to live.

"This one could be good." Allison handed her phone to Gage who was sitting in a chair next to Stiles' desk.

"I like this one a lot." Gage nodded eagerly.

"I'll send it to Stiles." Allison grinned. She was currently planted on Stiles' bed between Scott and Lydia.

"Is a thousand square feet too small?" Liam asked from the floor. He was propped against the bed next to Issac.

"Yeah, probably." Gage nodded.

"Okay, is thirty two hundred square feet too big?"

"Definitely not." Gage looked up with interest.

"There is a new condo building on the edge of town with one condo left." Liam explained.

"The edge of town? I'd rather not be that far from everyone." Gage frowned.

"Hey, you guys know the old mill factory at the end of my street? Apparently it and the house next to it are for sale." Stiles read from his computer.

"That house was always nice." Lydia agreed.

"Ooh, yikes, nevermind, they're selling the house for three hundred thousand."

"Seriously? Why so much?" Scott frowned.

"Oh, all the fields next to it come with it. So it would be a fifteen hundred square foot house on twelve acres." Stiles answered as he read over the article.

"How much are they selling the factory for?" Isaac asked curiously.

"One thirty nine." Stiles answered.

"Whoa it says here that the guy who owned it let his daughter remodel it because she was going to make it into an industrial house, but she never finished." Stiles read eagerly.

"Could we look at it?" Gage asked. He was very interested.

"Yeah, I'll call." Stiles nodded typing in the number.


"This place looks like the dump Derek lived in." Malia sneered at the large brick building.

"It does not." Lydia huffed linking arms with Malia and dragging her after the pack.

"I don't understand why I have to be here." Malia whined as she allowed Lydia to pull her along.

"Because he wanted everyone in the pack to be here, you included." Allison answered falling in step beside Malia and Lydia.

Gage listened to the conversation between the girls. Malia really hated him. He wasn't surprised his brother had gained so many enemies here, he didn't care enough to actually try and make friends. Derek had always had a bad case of survivors guilt, on top of feeling responsible for what happened. He stopped treating himself like a priority and made it a point to keep everyone at a distance, apparently even his own pack.

"Okay, so this is what Mrs. Langley had intended to be the living room. As you can see it's very open. She redid the lighting and put in some outlets. The whole place has been professionally rewired. The lighting in every room is also updated. Now through this door here is the kitchen." The real estate broker walked briskly across the large room. It was brick with a few metal pillars and large windows.

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