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Gage and Stiles watched as Derek walked around the Beacon Hills cemetery. He'd only been released from the hospital a few hours prior. The pack had tried to give Derek some space but when he insisted on going to see someone Gage and Stiles decided to follow him.

"Mallory Everett, Jamie Morales, Charley Bradbury, Devon Lawrence...damn it Stiles, where are you?" Derek growled as he read off the names to himself.

Stiles frowned, he was looking for his grave.

Gage met Stiles' eyes with his own.

"Damn it," Derek snapped punching a nearby tree, "Stiles where the hell did they put you?"

Stiles felt the familiar pull. He closed his eyes trying to resist it, but before he could stop himself he found himself stepping out of the trees.


The alpha turned to see Stiles behind him, "Stiles, where are you? I wanted to visit your grave, but I can't find it," Tears filled Derek's green eyes.

"Derek, I'm right here, I'm alive and I'm real," Stiles felt his own tears threatening.

"I wish that were true," Derek stepped towards Stiles, "I know you're just a memory I've created," Derek spoke sadly.

Unable to help it, Stiles pulled Derek into him.

Derek held on to Stiles like his life depended on it.

"I'm sorry," Derek spoke, his lips pressed against Stiles' hair.

"For what?" Stiles frowned.

"For being an asshole, for being selfish, for pushing you away, for assuming I knew what was best for you," Derek's voice broke, "for not letting you in, for leaving you, for getting you killed."

Stiles pulled back to look at Derek, "Listen to me, you didn't get me killed. I'm real, I swear to you," Stiles' tone was begging Derek to believe him.

Instead of responding Derek caressed Stiles cheek gently.

Stiles was so desperate for Derek to believe he was real. He leaned in quickly, catching Derek's lips on his.

Derek tensed, but Stiles didn't pull away.

Derek pushed Stiles back, a look of pain on his face.

"What's wrong?" Stiles could feel his spark flare under his skin. Derek was hurting.

"That only proves how you're an illusion I thought up, you would never have really done that," Derek shook his head sadly as he stepped past the hybrid.

Gage reached Stiles, pulling him in close.

"I tried, I don't know what else to do," Stiles wiped at his tears.

"I know, we just have to give him time. Deaton said to be as normal as possible," Gage said holding Stiles. It seemed that lately he was the only thing keeping Stiles together.


Derek stepped into the pack house. His eyes landed on Theo talking with Liam.

Theo seemed awfully chipper considering Stiles was gone. But was Theo even real? His senses weren't there to help him decide. Maybe he was dreaming. Maybe he couldn't find Stiles grave because he was alive in his dream. Why else would Stiles have kissed him?

He touched his lips with the tips of his fingers. If only it had been real.


Stiles felt it before his phone rang. Something was wrong.

Stiles and Gage reached the house in record timing. They walked in to see Derek on his knees with his hands covering his ears. He was shouting at himself to wake up.

"I don't know what happened, one second he was fine, then the next he was freaking out," Theo explained, kneeling next to the alpha.

"Derek, Derek," Gage tried to get his brother to open his eyes, but he wasn't responding.

"Stiles, your spark, use it," Gage said noticing the light emitting from Stiles' clenched hands.

"I don't want to hurt him," Stiles shook his head.

"Your spark can't hurt him, remember? Use it, you have to pull him out of this," Gage begged.

Stiles nodded, kneeling next to Derek. He focused his energy to his hand and gently touched Derek's arm,

Derek's eyes opened and his hands dropped to his side. He fell silent.

"Stiles," Derek gripped the hybrid, "I can't wake up, this is a dream, I know it is," Derek sobbed into Stiles' shoulder.

"Why do you think that?" Stiles asked frowning. What had changed?

"I don't think, I know," Derek responded.

Stiles stomach twisted, "Because I'm here?" Maybe him being there was only making it worse for Derek. But if he left Derek would believe he was really dead.

"That's not the only thing," Derek shook his head, pulling back from Stiles.

"My senses, they're gone. When you were gone and everything was terrible, my senses worked perfectly, but now you're here and your grave is gone. I can't smell anything. I can't hear like I should. I can't even shift." Derek buried his head back into Stiles shoulder.

Stiles looked up at Gage with a new look of worry.

"Gage," Bonnie motioned for him to follow her.

Stiles listened as they spoke out of Derek's limited earshot.

"The witch used a spell on him that has essentially rendered his wolf non existent. He's basically human."

Stiles kept his arms around the still crying Derek. Human Derek.

"How do we undo it?" Gage asked.

"Only the witch who put it on him can, unless he has an emissary. The emissary could jump start his werewolf spark with his own, but he wouldn't be an alpha anymore," Bonnie explained.

"So Stiles could jumpstart his werewolf spark to at least get him back to a beta?" Gage asked, hopeful.

"I don't know, they aren't tethered so it may not work. Deaton would know better."


"I didn't realize she'd used such a spell." Deaton frowned at a currently unconscious Derek. He'd given him something to put him to sleep for a bit. A dreamless sleep.

"Can it be undone?" Stiles asked biting his lip anxiously.

"As Bonnie said, the witch who cast it could undo it," Deaton answered.

"But we don't even know where to find her, and it could take months, if not longer, especially if she doesn't want to be found," Stiles ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"I have one other solution, but you may not like it," Deaton sighed.

"I'll do anything, what is it?" Stiles looked at the vet with a hopeful look.

"You could use your spark, but Bonnie was correct in thinking it wouldn't work, unless you two were connected, officially," Deaton  looked at Stiles with a knowing look.

"You want me to tie myself to him?" Stiles frowned at the druid. Was he crazy?

"It makes sense, the spell that was pinned to Derek's shirt, it was a linking spell, to bind an emissary and an alpha. She wanted you to do this," Lydia piped in.

"I believe Lydia is correct," Deaton nodded.

Stiles looked down at the now human Derek. He wouldn't want this, there had to be another way.

Here you go, lovelies, hope you enjoy.

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