True alpha

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Stiles looked between the three Hales. Was this some sort of ploy to get him to cooperate?

"I thought Derek killed Vance?" Gage asked looking at his brother.

"I did," Derek answered, not looking away from Stiles.

"Then how?" Gage looked back at Stiles.

"Looks like he's become his own alpha," Peter smirked.

"How's that possible?" Stiles frowned. He didn't do anything.

"You're a true alpha," Derek said quietly.

"You mean true emissary," Stiles corrected.

"Nope, he said it right," Peter shook his head. "A true alpha is a werewolf who rises to alpha rank solely on the strength of their character, their virtue, and sheer willpower. The true alpha is rare, shrouded in myth and is said to appear once in a 100 years."

"The pack always considered you an alpha. It only makes sense this would happen," Gage noted with a slight frown.

"Okay I seriously need to think some things through, so could you two go now?" Stiles huffed. It had been a long couple of days and now this, he didn't know how much more he could handle.

"Stiles," Derek growled. He still wasn't comfortable leaving Stiles alone with Peter.

"Dear nephews, I think Stiles is capable of taking care of himself, should the need arise," Peter piped in.

"The need had better not arise, or you'll have me to deal with," Gage snarled at the older Hale.

"Stiles has never been in any danger by me," Peter stated simply. He seemed unfazed by Gage's threat.

"You did try to kill me that time in the hospital," Stiles noted recalling the first time he'd met Peter.

"I thought we'd gotten passed that, love," Peter looked at Stiles with puppy dog eyes.

"I thought we'd gotten passed that, love," Peter looked at Stiles with puppy dog eyes

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Stiles rolled his eyes, but Derek let out a growl at the pet name.

"Yes, I know, you're jealous, the scent is stinking up the place, in fact," Peter rolled his eyes.

Derek suddenly grabbed Peter by his throat, giving a threatening squeeze.

"Derek, come on, Stiles can handle himself for one night," Gage pulled his brother back. He pushed Derek gently towards the door.

"Please, be careful Stiles, and call if you need us," Gage begged.

"I'll be fine, just go," Stiles snapped. He just wanted to not see the twins.

Once they were sufficiently out of ear shot, Peter turned to Stiles, "I'm honestly surprised you stayed. I'm not exactly your favorite person."

"You wouldn't be so bad if you weren't a lunatic," Stiles responded with a shrug.

"Former lunatic, I'm much healthier now," Peter objected, earning a chuckle from Stiles.

Stiles sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands.

"I don't suppose you're going to want to talk about your newly acquired alpha status, or the fact that my nephews are insane for not tying themselves to you." Peter sat down next to the hybrid.

"Sure don't," Stiles shook his head.

"Then perhaps you could tell me about what happened with this Theo character."

Stiles sighed, "There's nothing to tell. He and I dated several years back. He moved, we lost contact. He heard about me when Derek was in Greece and he came to intervene. Anyway, we picked up where we left off, sort of, but he was hesitant," Stiles spoke not looking up from his hands.

"Why?" Peter pryed.

"He thought Gage and I had feelings for one another, which I assured him was not the case. Then the other day he claimed Derek loved me," Stiles scoffed, "then today something happened between Derek and I, we had...a moment, I guess. Derek hugged me, like he'd never been hugged before. We talked a bit, I tried to get him to let me in know how he is. Anyway, Theo walked in. He said that he could smell the feelings Derek had for me. No matter how much I tried to convince him he was wrong he wouldn't listen. So he said we should just be friends."

"Just friends? Ouch," Peter grimaced.

A comfortable silence fell over the pair. That was the one difference between the twins and Peter, they always needed to make Stiles talk they never just let him think. Peter on the other hand allowed Stiles to dwell and mull things over. It was refreshing.

"Peter, I have a crazy thought," Stiles looked up at the ex alpha.

"I like crazy," Peter grinned.

"What if I left the pack? If I'm really an alpha like you say, then I could do it."

Peter rose his brows at Stiles, "You'd be alone."

"Not if I had you," Stiles bit his bottom lip.

Peter looked stunned. "You never wanted to be a part of my pack," He reminded Stiles.

"Well you'd be a part of my pack," Stiles shrugged. He awaited the rejection, but it never came.

"I'd follow you to the ends of the earth, Stiles. I always said you were the one I should have bit, however, you need to be sure that's what you want. You'd lose Derek and Gage," Peter scooted closer.

Stiles smiled slightly. What is it about me that makes you so much nicer? You're always so sweet, if not a little creepy, with me. But everyone else, you couldn't care less."

"There must just be something about you that draws us Hales in. You captured Malia's attention almost immediately, along with mine. Gage took to you easily and you've even managed to win Derek over," Peter shrugged simply.

Stiles frowned. "But what is it for you?"

Peter seemed to contemplate the question for a moment. "Do you want the truth?"

"No, I asked so you could make up some elaborate lie," Stiles rolled his eyes, earning a smirk from the ex alpha.

"That's part of it, your wit is unmatched. You're one of the most intelligent young men I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. You have a fire inside you that makes you more dangerous than you would ever allow yourself to be, and I'm not referring to your spark. You're kind and understanding. You know how to listen and you have reason. You have exceptional leadership qualities, and if that's not enough for you, well there is always that cute little ass of yours," Peter answered.

Stiles couldn't help but grin as a blush filled his cheeks. "I don't know what to say."

"There's nothing that needs to be said, you asked and I gave you the answer," Peter shook his head.

Stiles had been able to listen to Peter's heartbeat and not once did it skip or stutter.

Stiles decided then, to do something he never in a million years thought he'd do. He turned to the werewolf beside him and quickly leaned in placing his lips on Peter's.

Peter froze. He couldn't believe Stiles was kissing him. Peter carefully slid his hand into Stiles' messy hair as he kissed back.

Okay so I'd intended this to be the extent of this scene however it just kind of kept escalating and so I decided to split the chapter into two because it was so long, so get ready for some serious Steter and next chapter. I'll get it up momentarily.

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