His Stiles

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Derek double checked the table, making sure everything was perfect. Tonight was his and Stiles' first date and Derek had kicked the pack out for a few hours that night. They were all going to a movie. Stiles had been visiting his dad while Derek got things ready. He had cooked, the one meal Laura had taught him and Gage to cook, Parmesan chicken. He was feelings nervous as he waited anxiously for Stiles to come home. He was supposed to be home by seven, it was three minutes til, not that Derek was counting.  Finally he heard the front door open. 

"Hey, Der, I'm-" Stiles was cut off by Derek's lips. 

"How's your dad?" Derek asked pulling back.

"He's good, he says hi," Stiles smiled. He loved how much Derek cared about his dad.

"Good," Derek lead Stiles gently towards the dining room, "I made dinner."

Stiles' mouth dropped, "I didn't know you could cook?"

"It's the one thing I can cook. Laura taught me, it was mine and Gage's favorite growing up," Derek answered with a soft smile.

Stiles felt his own smile form. It was nice to hear Derek mention Laura so easily. He rarely talked about his family, but he didn't avoid the topic like he used to.

"This is amazing, babe," Stiles mumbled around a mouth full of chicken. 

Derek seemed to deflate with relief. 

"I'm pleasantly surprised by this date. I honestly just expected dinner and a movie," Stiles smiled at his boyfriend.

"I hate going to the theater," Derek shrugged.

"It's not my favorite either, mostly cause I can't sit still for that long. What if I have to pee, or run out of popcorn? I can't pause it," Stiles spoke animatedly, before shoving in another bite.

Derek smiled fondly at his emissary, "I love you."

Stiles blushed heavily, "I love you too."

It had been a relief to hear Stiles admit his feelings for him, and Derek couldn't have been more elated when Stiles agreed to be with Derek. He'd thought for sure his chances were over, but here he was on a first date with the man he loved. 

The two talked and joked through the rest of dinner.

"This was delicious, thank you so much." Stiles planted a kiss on Derek's cheek as he carried his plate to the kitchen. 

"Are you ready for what's next?" Derek asked following the druid.

"Next?" Stiles frowned.

"Yeah, there's more than just dinner," Derek grabbed Stiles' hand and lead him to his room. 

Stiles once again felt his jaw drop as he saw the playstation from the living room set up on Derek's tv with a new game Stiles had been wanting sitting next to two controller's on the bed. 

"I know you like to play and you mentioned wanting the new Call of Duty game," Derek held up the game he had bought earlier that day.

"But I thought you didn't play video games?" Stiles frowned.

"I'd do anything for you," Derek smiled opening the game.

Stiles took the game from Derek's hand gently, setting it aside.

"What are you do-" 

Stiles cut Derek off by connecting their lips. Derek didn't fight as Stiles pushed him back towards the bed.

"You are amazing, you know that?" Stiles spoke as he lifted Derek's shirt up and over his head. Derek felt his heart start to race. 

Stiles slid his hands slowly down Derek's chest. Derek sighed contently into the kiss. He loved the way Stiles touched him.

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