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Derek struggled against the chains that held him. He was chained to a chair. He'd woken up in this strange room with no memory of how he'd gotten here.

"About time you woke up, I was beginning to think I'd used too strong a spell to knock you out," A female voice spoke.

"Who are you?" Derek growled.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Ava Ryan," the gave a small curtsey. Her long black hair fell over her shoulders in loose waves.

"Ryan?" Derek knew that name.

"Yes, I am the daughter of Olivia Ryan. The witch who's grimoire you sought. And as I see, found." Ava picked up a book from a nearby table.

"Why am I here?" Derek growled fighting the chains.

"You wanted this book for a reason, there's a spell you were going to use. I heard some wolf was looking for my mother's old grimoire so I did a bit of digging," Ava set the book down turning back to Derek, "I've been following you, Derek Hale."

"Why?" Derek growled again.

"The spell you were planning on using, do you know the story?" Ava asked.

"Your mother used it on a kid who was dangerous to keep him from hurting people," Derek answered.

Ava chuckled, "That's what my mother allowed everyone to believe. But there's more to the story," Ava pulled a chair in front of Derek before taking a seat. She crossed her legs and smiled sweetly.

"Once upon a time there was a young woman who met a man. She loved him so much they married. Several months after they were married they had a child. A young boy, Thomas. One night, the boy grew ill, the father insisted the boy was fine but the mother disagreed. They argued. Amidst their arguing the man emitted sparks from his hands. The woman demanded he leave. She was afraid. She had the child checked by a doctor, but they said it was but a simple fever. Over the years the mother learned of the druids and their ways. On the eve of his fifteenth birthday the boy fell ill again. She came across a healer who claimed the boy held immense power. His spark would soon ignite. Most sparks didn't ignite on their own. His was just too strong to stay buried. The woman asked to stop it. She didn't want it for her child. The woman pointed her in the direction of a witch," Ava stood up making her way back to the table. She opened the book.

"I remember the night well. The woman came in frantic, claiming her son to have a fever she could not break. She told my mother he had an evil within him that needed to be removed. I watched as my mother spent hours tending to Thomas. She did spell after spell but could find no evil. The woman told my mother the truth. She did not want her son to have this spark. She offered my mother double the pay if she would remove it," Ava's voice grew quiet. There were obvious tears in her eyes.

"They spent weeks with us, as my mother worked on the spell to remove his spark

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"They spent weeks with us, as my mother worked on the spell to remove his spark. One night she finally figured it out. But I told Thomas about his father and what really happened. He deserved to know. I didn't want him to lose his spark. He wasn't evil. My mother performed the spell while we slept. The next day, I could sense it. It was gone. He confronted his mother. He was so upset with her. Several months later, my mother told me, he took his own life. Thomas had found his father behind his mother's back and his father showed him his spark. Thomas grew resentful towards his mother and eventually depressed. She had taken a part of him away," Ava wiped at a tear that had escaped down her cheek.

"My mother regretted ever creating that spell and swore to never use it again," Ava closed the book. "I don't know why she didn't destroy it."

Derek could sense her anger growing.

"You were going to use it on someone, you claim so dear to you. I've seen him. His spark is strong and it reaches out to you."

Derek clenched his jaw at the fact that this witch had been watching Stiles.

"I know your story. I know you feel the guilt of your family's death. I know you feel the guilt of Stiles being turned. I know you hate yourself. You think you're cursed," Ava touched Derek's cheek gently, "You don't know the meaning of cursed."

Ava's blood red smile made Derek uneasy.

"You claim to love Stiles-"

"I do," Derek snarled.

"If that were true, you would let him in," Ava boomed angrily. Her sweet demeanor now gone.

"You don't deserve him, but he deserves you, so I'm going to show you what being cursed is really like," Ava snarled gripping Derek's head in her hands.

Stiles' sobs echoed in Derek's loft.

"Stiles?" Derek called for the hybrid. He couldn't pinpoint where the sobs were coming from. "Stiles, where are you?"

"Derek, why did you go?" Stiles voice cried.

"Stiles, where are you?" Derek searched the loft, but Stiles wasn't there. "Stiles!"

Suddenly he was back in the room with Ava.

"How did that taste?" Ava asked Her cherry colored lips curving into a large grin.

"What was that?" Derek could have sworn it was real. It felt so real.

"Stiles is looking for you, that's what he's doing right now, but you can't see him, only hear him. You think your meant to be alone forever, I'm gonna make it so you're never alone again. Everytime you close your eyes, you're gonna hear him, you're gonna see him. Maybe it's real, maybe it's not, you won't be able to tell the difference. That's my curse for you," Ava spoke maliciously.

"Why are you doing this?" Derek growled trying to shift, but he couldn't.

"Because you were going to take a part of Stiles away from him. So now I'm going to take the ability to differentiate between what's real and what's not, away from you. I'm going to plant things in your head that will drive you mad. You were too afraid to tie yourself to him so now I'm going to tie the memory of him to you," Ava sneered, "don't worry it doesn't effect him one bit, he's perfectly safe."

Derek went to respond, but before he could, everything faded to black.

Next chapter is going to be a lot more torture so just be prepared.
Also I'm sorry for blowing up your notifications with updates. I've been in bed for four days, sick, sort of, it's a long story... and I'll probably be in bed for a few more so I should have the next chapter up sooner than later. 😊
Let me know what you think!

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