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Stiles shifted uneasily in his seat. He felt a strange discomfort as if he was waiting on bad news. He typed away on his computer, trying his best to ignore the feeling. He was currently researching about emissaries. He wanted to know what all he was capable of.

He shifted once more as the feeling grew stronger. He couldn't seem to shake it. The last time he had a feeling like that Vance had ambushed them. Suddenly Stiles jumped to his feet. He needed to find Gage.


"Theo, you got a second?" Derek asked walking up to the werewolf who was currently throwing punches into Gage's punching bag.

"Sure," Theo was still trying to learn the differences between Derek and Gage but he was sure this was Derek, as Gage was usually less broody.

"Are you and Stiles together?" Derek asked not beating around the bush.

"Umm, I don't really know," Theo shifted uncomfortably.

"You don't know?" Derek crossed his arms.

"We agreed to just be friends but then...we...last night...Stiles was..." Theo stumbled over his words.

"You two slept together," Derek said.

Theo cleared his throat nervously.

"Why are you so nervous?" Derek frowned.

"Cause I know you have feelings for Stiles. I tried to tell him but he insisted you didn't. I don't want to step on any toes-"

"You what?" Derek growled stepping towards Theo. "You told him I had feelings for him?"

"Yeah, he didn't believe me though-"

"I don't have feelings for Stiles," Derek growled.

Theo raised his brows at the lie. He heard it clear as day. "You know I can tell when you're lying, right?"

Derek growled, turning away, "I can't help it, I thought it would pass with time but it's only gotten worse. Especially now that his spark is in full effect, he has this influence over my wolf, I hate it."

"You should tell him," Theo spoke gently.

"No. He hates me for trying to snuff out his spark, I've had enough rejection from him," Derek shook his head.

"Gage," Stiles voice called urgently.

Derek hurried to the living room to meet Stiles.

"Stiles, Gage isn't here, what's wrong?" Derek asked sensing Stiles discomfort.

"Where is he?" Stiles asked worriedly.

"He went to talk to Deaton, about twenty minutes ago," Derek answered. He didn't like the feeling Stiles was giving off it made Derek's wolf anxious. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I feel...uncomfortable," Stiles answered with a frown.

"I can feel that. Why do you feel that way?" Derek felt his own anxiety grow.

"I don't know. The last time I felt this was when Vance attacked," Stiles shook his head.

"You get this feeling because of a threat?" Derek didn't like the sound of that.

"I'm calling Gage," Stiles said dialing his alpha's number.

Derek fought the jealousy he was feeling. He missed when he was the one Stiles would call.

"He's not answering, I'm calling Deaton," Stiles said anxiously.

Derek frowned.

"Deaton, is Gage with you?" Stiles asked when the vet picked up.

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