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The General filled my wicker basket with a few groceries before leading me to his work building.

As we entered the military HQ, I was stopped at the door to be searched for any weapons. After the General gave permission, the guard patted me down, and I suddenly understood why Red Zone women were sometimes muzzled; the guards hands lingered way too long over my breasts, and I had the almost impossible-to-ignore urge to bite his fingers off.

I resisted, however, and a moment later, the General was leading me through the large building and up a few flights of stairs. On the very top floor, we reached a wooden door that had a gold plaque on it reading "General Park Jimin". He opened the door and pulled me inside, before closing it behind us.

The room was large, with a dark wooden desk underneath the window with a large, comfortable looking chair. On the desk was piles of paperwork, and an actual computer. I had never seen one before, as they were expensive, and used way too much electricity. Only the highest officials were allowed them.

There was a tray of paperwork on the other end of the desk, and a little pot full of pens. Along both walls were huge cabinets filled with books with complicated names on the spines. As a woman, I was taught how to read by my mother, but it was only a basic understanding. I had no idea how to even think about pronouncing those words, let alone understand the meaning.

I noticed behind the desk there was a gap between the cabinet and the wall, where an iron loop was screwed in. Attached to the loop, was a chain, and underneath was a chair. I held back a sigh as he pulled me to the loop, unclipped the lead and attached the chain from the wall.

"You will stay here unless I tell you to move," He said, not even looking at me as he removed his coat and sat on the chair behind the desk, "The same rules as before stand. Do not speak unless I ask you to. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," I know my voice didn't sound as respectful as it should, but I was in a bad mood, understandably.

He clearly didn't pick up on my attitude, however, as he turned to his computer and switched it on. My bad mood ebbed away as I watched in wonder as he typed away and did things on the bright screen. I'd never seen one work before, so it was a good learning opportunity.

Not long after he began his work, there was a knock on the door, and the man that had been present when the General purchased me came into the room.

"Jimin, you're here," He said, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Taehyung," Jimin nodded, moving away from the screen, "What's wrong?"

"We got a runner back from regiment five," Taehyung said, "They were swarmed by the rebels. They took everything; all their rations and weapons, and then just vanished,"

"God damn it those rebels again," The General said angrily, "They're on their way back?"

"They were," Taeyhung said, "But were attacked by a pack of some kind of new mutation wolf. They're stuck in the trees,"

"Send regiment three to them with extra weapons and bring them all back. I want a specimen of the new mutation for the scientists to study. In fact, send a scientist with regiment three,"

"Yes, sir," Taehyung said, leaving the room to convey the orders.

"Rebels?" I said quietly to myself. I had never heard of such a thing. As far as I knew, everyone lived behind the safe walls of all the individual cities. They were placed far apart so that the animals were more spread out and didn't attack all together, but I had never heard of rebels before.

The General shot me a look, "Quiet," He snapped, before turning back to the computer. A moment later, there was another knock, and a man walked in, accompanied by a woman on a long lead. She was holding a notepad and pen in her hand, and had a large black bruise around one of her eyes.

"General Park, what is your order today?" The man asked, and the woman readied her pen.

"Steak," The General said, lifting his head to look at him. His eyes flickered to the bruise on the womans face, "What did she do this time?" His voice sounded a little disapproving.

Man tutted and glanced at her, "Dropped the Captains lunch all over the floor,"

The General sighed and went back to his computer, "If you keep hitting her in the eyes she won't be able to see anymore, and you'll have to pay for a doctor," He pointed out.

The man was quiet for a moment, before he spoke again, "What should I get for your woman?"

"Nothing," The General answered, "She's being punished. No food today,"

Your mouth dropped open in shock as the man bowed and left the room, dragging the bruised woman with him.

He wasn't going to let you eat? Just because you glared at the man who did your collar earlier. Not long after, Taehyung came back in to the Generals office and sat at his desk, and after him, came the bruised woman with two trays of food. She placed a plate in front of each man, bowed and left the room, glancing at you apologetically.

The food smelt delicious, and made your mouth water and your stomach rumble angrily at being left out. You felt your eyes also begin to water at the injustice.

"How's it going with the woman?" Taehyung asked picking through the food on his plate, "No lunch for her?"

"She's being punished," The General said simply, also eating the delicious looking things from his plate.

"That's a strong punishment for you," Taehyung replied, "What did she do?"

"She's obedient," The General admitted, talking about me like I wasn't seated a foot behind him, "But defiant. I know that look, and I won't tolerate it,"

Taehyung nodded and looked over at me, a smile on his face, "Just a shame you're probably not going to keep her. She's a looker, that one,"

"She is," The General snorted, "But we both know what happened the last time I thought a woman was beautiful,"

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