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It must have been a few hours after Yoongi left that he came back, this time with Daisy, and I felt my eyes narrow at the sight of her.

I did not like her one bit.

It wasn't because Jimin used to love her, it was because she was rude and forceful, and even though she saved us, I kind of wanted to smack her.

It might have been a little to do with Jimin, I admit. I wasn't sure when I had become so attached to him, or what this feeling was, but he was all I could think about, and I just wanted to be with him.

"Come here," She said, opening the door, "I need to take that collar off of you. You don't belong to anyone anymore,"

I curled into myself on the bed. If she wanted to remove my collar, she'd have to force it. I figured that was a strange train of thought, as I had wanted freedom for a so long, but I just disliked her so much.

"Calm down, Daisy," Yoongi laughed, "I think she doesn't like you,"

Daisy glared at him, "Bring her out here,"

"Yes, yes, Boss," Yoongi laughed, coming into the cell with me. I got to my feet, but once again, he grabbed me before I had time to react.

"No!" I cried, struggling against him, "Let me go!"

Daisy reached into a pocket and produced a big pair of pliers, before stepping towards me.

"Give it up already, idiot," She snapped, "I'm trying to help!"

"Leave me alone!" I cried, "I just want to see Jimin!"

"Jesus Christ, do you think of nothing but him?!" She said, reaching out and grabbing me by my collar, "Serious case of Stockholm, oh my God,"

"It's not!" I cried, "Jimin is-"

"Kind, and loving, right?" Daisy mocked, and Yoongi shifted his grip, pinning my arms behind my back, "You're wrong. He's not. He's the General and he bought and paid for you so he could fuck you and make more little slaves for his kingdom. That's all you are to them, Bee; a slave!"

She twisted the collar and lifted the pliers to the padlock. I knew she was right about me being a slave and being purchased, but Jimin was different. She should have known that, she was with him as well.

I heard a snap and clink as the padlock broke and fell to the floor, and then Daisy was unbuckling the collar and pulling it from my neck.

"1216, Bee," She said, a smile on her face, "You are now a free woman. You don't belong to any man on the planet, and no matter what, everything done to you in the future will be with your consent,"

I couldn't help myself. I broke down in tears as Yoongi released my arms. I didn't know why I was crying; I couldn't decide on what emotion I felt.

I was finally free from the life I had lived; no more beatings or being obedient or not having a choice on who I am intimate with. But did that mean no more General Park Jimin?

Daisy crouched down beside me as I dropped to my knees, and reached out, touching my face gently, "You are free, Bee," She said softly, "And now you are one of us, we will always protect you,"

"What about Jimi-"

Daisy tutted and got to her feet before I could finish my question, "This girl is pissing me off," She muttered, striding away from me, "A thank you would have been nice,"

Once the door of the building was closed, I felt gentle hands on my arms. Yoongi pulled me to my feet and sat me on the bed, taking a seat next to him.

"I'm sorry she's so rough," He said, "She's had a hard life. She still has a hard life. She misses the one she loves,"

I looked at him, my tears finally slowing, "What?"

He smiled, "She had to leave the one she loves behind when she came out here. She wants to go back, but it's not easy. We've been planning for months. We want the rest of the world to live like us, Bee," He said, "Women are not property, they are human beings, and without them, humans wouldn't even exist," He stood up and looked at the plate full of food still on the desk.

"Eat," He said, "I'll be back in half an hour, and if you've eaten, I'll take you to see him," He closed the door of the cell and headed towards the exit.

"Oh," He said, turning his head to look back at me, "Stop talking about your lover boy in front of Daisy. She feels extremely guilty about what she did. She had no choice, but she didn't want to do it. He really was the first person to show her kindness, and she hates that she had to repay him by almost killing him,"

Yoongi left and I was hit by sudden silence. I couldn't hear anything except my own slightly erratic breathing and decided that I should eat.

I got to my feet and sat at the desk, my hand moving up to rest on my bare neck. It felt strange, not having anything there, but it also felt good.

I reached onto the plate and picked up a small, oddly shaped red thing. It was a little squishy, and had little yellow dots all over it, with green leaves on the top. I had never seen a vegetable like this, and when I lifted it to my nose, it smelt sweet and good.

I could feel more tears building in my eyes when I took a bite. It was the most delicious thing I had ever tasted, but I couldn't enjoy it.

It was then that I realised that my feelings for the General were different to before. Even though I was locked up again, and I was now free from the rule of men, I just wanted Jimin. Without him, I was alone.


AN: Thanks for everyone asking after me and my son, it really means a lot.

My son is still sick, and has now also developed an eye infection, but he is on the mend, so that's good!

As for me, I won't be getting better any soon lol so don't worry about me, I'm coping

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the first update for the day! Certain things that people have been asking questions about will be explained in the next few chapters! 

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