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Jimin was being unusually subdued during the walk back to our home, and once we were inside with the door closed, he turned to face me, a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry, Bee," He said quietly, "I failed you. I failed everyone. You put your trust in me, and I let you down,"

I frowned, "You didn't fail, at all, Jimin,"

"I didn't get Taehyung to join us, and now the government know that I am here," He said, "I failed and jeopardized the future plans,"

I stepped towards him and took his hands in my own. His eyes widened and he looked down at me, a slight flush on his cheeks.

"We always knew it was a possibility that could happen," I said softly, "You're a General, you know that you can't always win every battle. This just gives us another hurdle to jump over, and I know that you and Daisy can figure it out,"

I smiled then, "But you didn't fail. You brought my sister back,and I know Yoongi is extremely grateful for that, too, Jimin. You might not have got Taehyung, but you brought back someone who is loved by us, and now she has escaped the cruel life she was living. I'd say that is not a failure,"

Jimin pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me. I could hear his heart pounding in his chest, and when it began to calm, I pulled away. I then did the most forward thing I had ever done in my life.

I went up onto my tip toes, and kissed his lips, quickly and gently, before rushing out of the room and into the bathroom to have a shower. Once I was clean and dry, I headed into the bedroom. Jimin was already under the covers, and he pulled them back for me to get in.

As I slid under the blankets next to him, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, snuggling until he was comfortable.

I was just dozing off when I heard him speak.

"Thank you, Bee,"


Jimin was already up when I awoke the next morning, and I stretched and got dressed, before heading into the sitting area. As usual, he was getting his wound checked by Jin, and I sat down quietly and watched as he finished up.

"It's closed perfectly," Jin said, "And there's no infection after removing the stitches. I don't really need to check these anymore,"

"Thanks, Jin," Jimin said, getting to his feet and pulling his shirt  back on. They shook hands and Jin smiled, before gathering his stuff and heading to the door.

"Oh," He said, when he pulled it open, "Hello, Hannah. Are you here to see Bee?" Jin stepped to the side and waved, before leaving.

Hannah came into the structure and closed the door behind her. She was wearing similar clothes to me, and I suddenly remembered that she lived here before.

"Bee," She smiled coming towards me and giving me a hug, "I missed you so much,"

Jimin stood awkwardly by the kitchen, "Do you want me to leave?"

Hannah shook her head, "No, it's alright. Thank you, General, for helping me," Jimin smiled and leaned on the counter, sipping some water from a cup, while Hannah turned back to me.



"What happened, Hannah?" Bee asked, "How did you escape from the walls?"

Hannah took a seat and Bee sat next to her. I was wondering the same thing, so I listened carefully. After all, they didn't mind me being here.

"I was purchased by Yoongi," Hannah smiled, "And he took me out of the city. It's that simple,"

My mouth dropped open. Yoongi paid for her? As if realising my shock, Hannah turned to me, "He has paid for a lot of the women here. He used to sneak in and save as many as he could, before bringing us here. It's just that I fell in love with him," She laughed, "But he hated me," Both Bee and I gasped in shock. From what interactions I had seen between them, he was head over heels in love.

"Yep," She said, "He said I was annoying, but I slowly won him over. Then we were separated when we were out gathering some supplies," She smiled, "You know the rest. I was locked up so I couldn't escape,"

She turned and faced Bee, taking her hands in her own, "I promise, Bee I was going to come back for you. I was going to save you and Mama, but our plans were interrupted by Taehyung catching me,"

Bees eyes filled with tears, and she looked down, "Mama," She said softly.

"It's alright," Hannah said, "We'll get her out next,"

"No," Bee said, squeezing her eyes shut. She kept her head facing down and Hannah frowned.

"What is it?"

"Mama.." Bee began to cry, "The Master killed her. Right in front of me. I was pulling her out, and he-" She began to sob, and although I hated the sight of her in such agonizing despair, she needed this. Apart from at the scene where her mother was killed, Bee had not mourned at all, and though I supported her, holding in such emotions was not good for her. 

Huge tears ran down Hannahs face as well, and she pulled her younger sister into her arms and they cried together.

"It was my fault!" Bee wailed, "I couldn't save her!"

"You did save her, Bee," Hannah said softly, "You set her free from the pain and the suffering. I know what happened was horrible, and I'd give anything to change it, but she's in a better place now. She's free from the Master, and one day in the distant future, we'll see her again. But she's still with us, watching over. I believe that with all my heart, and I know she's proud of you, Rebecca,"

I couldn't have said it better myself, and as I didn't want to intrude on this moment any longer, I headed out the front door, letting the two sisters mourn in peace.


AN: Cause I'm unpublishing Boss, I thought I'd post another chap of this for you guys (:

Was thinking of doing some side stories under Daisys POV and Yoongis POV.... But then again, I might save those for bonus chapters when I get the book printed. I've had a couple of people ask me if I'm going to sell them as well as do a give away, but I haven't decided yet. I need a lot of interest for that because printing a book will be expensive.

Also omg how many mistakes do I make when writing? This is why I should edit.

On another note... this is unedited LOL

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