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We reached the safe house with no other encounters, much to Jimins relief, and the night went similarly to before. The General was much softer with me again, and I really felt myself opening up to him. He was very different to what I first thought, and whenever I saw him smile, I felt my heart start to pound in my chest.

As the previous morning, I woke up with his arms wrapped around me, and allowed myself a little time to stare at his face, before deciding it was time to get up. However this time, it was different.

"I can feel your eyes on me, you know," I jumped when the General spoke, a slight smile on his face, and immediately turned away, knowing that my face was bright red.

"I wasn't," I argued weakly, "I didn't,"

I felt my face being turned back to face Jimin, and he smiled when we met eyes, "You were," He said, "But I don't mind. I'm guilty of the same thing,"

I felt my eyes widen. I know I had fallen asleep first last night, but I didn't realise that he had been looking at me.

Jimins smile grew wider as my cheeks grew redder, "Your opinion of me is changing," It wasn't a question, and I felt myself nodding very slightly. Jimin propped himself up on his elbow, still looking down at me, "Good," He said, "Because if you stay with me, I want you to feel the same as I'm starting to feel,"

I frowned in confusion, but let out a tiny sound of shock when he answered my unasked question. He leaned down over me, pressing his plump lips gently into mine. I parted my lips in surprise, and he kissed me properly; not just a peck.

His lips moved softly against mine, slowly coaxing me to kiss back. When I finally did, he was the one to let out a sound, and he pressed harder into me, kissing me with a little more passion than before. He moved his hand down my arm, pushing on my elbow until I lifted it, and he then guided it around his neck as he slowly moved over me, positioning himself so that he was laying between my legs as he kissed me.

I felt something hot and smooth push between my teeth, and just as his tongue touched mine, he pulled away slowly.

"We need to go," He said, his breathing a little shallow and his face flushed, "We can't stay here too late, and I can't do this with you yet,"

Not knowing what to do except try and control my rapid breathing and heart rate, I nodded a little.

"God damn it," He muttered, looking down at me, "Don't look at me like that," He sat up, running his fingers through his hair with a sigh. He looked down at where he was sitting between my thighs, and swung his body over me so he could get out of the bed, "Bathroom," He muttered, slipping his feet into his boots and striding quickly to the only other room in the cabin.

Jimin came out of the bathroom a while later, and once we had eaten and I had cleaned myself, we once again mounted the ponies.

Just as before, there were strange prints in the snow. I recognized one set as the unknown one from the previous safe house, and the Generals behaviour grew more subdued.

He looked up at the sky, and then around the area as he quickly lifted me onto the pony. 

"We need to move," He said, "It's going to snow today, and there is a her-" He cut himself off and swung onto the ponys back behind me, "We need to move,"

He put his arm around my body, holding me tightly to him and spurred the pony into a gallop immediately. The pack pony behind us made a string of sounds that had Jimin look over his shoulder at him, before he kicked our pony again, making him run even faster.

"Shouldn't have left, shit," He muttered, "Come on, Hobi, faster!"

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking up at him. His face looked grim, and even when I looked behind him, I couldn't see anything.

A few moments later, as the General predicted, it began to snow. It didn't take long for the snow to grow heavy and thick, and soon the ponies were struggling a bit.

"We can't slow down!" I heard Jimin say, "We need to keep moving, this is not good! My gun is on the pack pony!"

"What's wrong?" I asked again, but my questioned went unanswered. Suddenly, the pony we were riding on staggered sideways, and I heard a squeal of pain and panic from behind us.

"Shit!" Jimin yelled, and as I went to look behind us, he gripped me harder around the waist, "Don't look!" He ordered, "It's too late, he's gone!"

The pony we were riding on sped up, and I could hear his breath rattling in an effort to keep calm and run. Jimin said the ponies were highly trained, but something had him spooked. It was then that I realised that there was only the sounds of one pony running.

"What's happening?" I cried, trying not to panic. Jimins grip tightened on me and he bent over my body, forcing me lower onto the saddle.

"We shouldn't have left the house," He said, "I'm so stupid, they were too clo-"

The pony stumbled and fell, throwing both Jimin and I from the saddle and into the snow. Jimin kept his grip on me as we flew through the air, and although there was a thick layer of snow on the floor, it still hurt when we landed. I watched as the pony got shakily to it's feet, before dashing off into the snow, leaving only it's prints in the snow behind.

Before I knew what was happening, Jimin yanked me roughly to my feet and shoved me behind him, "Stay with me," He said, drawing his sword, "Do not leave my side, Bee!"

I whimpered, holding on to his shoulders with my hands. He was nervous, and I knew it wasn't just because the pony had run.

I could see dark shapes in the snow getting closer; they looked like ponies, but the bigger the shapes got, the more obvious it was that they weren't. They were big; much bigger than a pony, and I could see that their feet were different. They had thicker legs and much more muscular bodies. I could see the tips of sharp, white teeth poking out the top of their lips even through the mist of their breath as they snorted and huffed at each other. There was blood dripping from their mouths, and there were at least five of them.

"What are they?" I whimpered, my grip getting tighter. Jimin raised his sword, his other arm out straight as if he were trying to protect me and keep me behind him.

"Horses," He said, his voice almost a growl, "We are in trouble,"


AN: Quadruple update, you're welcome ;)

Told you it was gunna get interesting~

Just so you know, by this point, I've written up to chapter 26, so expect more tomorrow.

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