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My mouth almost dropped open in surprise, "Thank you, Sir- wait, Region seven?! We're going beyond the walls?!"

The General slowly lifted his head to look at me, and I shut my mouth. He looked as if he was debating on whether I should be told off, or not, and then his shoulders relaxed slightly.

"Yes," He answered, "I am the General, and it's my job to check up on other cities,"

"But-" I stopped myself before I could finish my sentence. I didn't want to push my luck, as he had just said he'd do something so generous for me.

He raised and eyebrow and let out a sigh, before turning back to his computer screen, "You can continue,"

"I thought I wasn't allowed beyond the walls," I said quietly after I got permission to speak, "It's against the rules, it's not safe outside,"

"That's correct," The General said, "But you are a Red Zone woman, and by law you have to go everywhere with me,"

I chewed my lip, "But it's dangerous,"

The General slowly turned his head to face me, "Are you doubting my ability to keep us safe?"

"No, sir," I said quietly. I knew he had to be an impressive fighter, or he wouldn't be the General right now. But I was still worried,"

"Then enough talk," He sighed, once again going back to his work, "You keep quiet now until I tell you to speak. When we get home, I will go through everything with you,"

"Yes, Sir," I leaned back in my chair, getting comfortable, and as yesterday, the Generals friend Taehyung came in to go through some things and eat lunch with him.



"The council have granted permission for you to take her," Taehyung said as he sat down, "And everything his prepared for your trip. The car is packed with provisions already,"

I lowered my fork, "I already told them I don't want a car," I said, "They know that solo journeys don't use cars. Why aren't the ponies prepared?"

"The car is specially designed," Taehyung said, "Half the noise of a usual car,"

"I don't want it," I insisted. I know it was cold, but the only benefit of having a car beyond the walls was the heat from inside. You still had to feed it (petrol), and it couldn't go up mountain paths or off the road. The noise attracted all kinds of animals, and fresh, clean cars stuck out like a sore thumb. The rebels would spot you in a second.

"They only have two ponies available," Taehyung said, "The rest are out with the runners,"

"I only need two," I said, "Ask them to get Hobi prepared and the second one can be our pack pony," Hobi was the name of my personal Pony. It was huge, standing at 17 hands, and before the explosions, would have been considered a horse. However, he was bred from our captive ponies, as horses had turned wild, and were nothing like they were in the old picture books.

I hoped we didn't come across any horses on our trip.

"What about 1216?"

"She will ride with me," I said, glancing behind me. She was currently enjoying a meal that was cooked for her by the Care Girls of the army, and I assumed she thought that no one was looking at her, because she had a very small smile on her plump lips.

"She probably hasn't ridden before," I said, shocked that I was looking at her lips.

Taehyung looked at her, his eyes roaming up her body before settling on her face. I kind of wanted to punch him.

"Woman, have you ridden a pony before?"

"She has a number, if you don't want to use her name to address her," I muttered darkly. She wasn't just an object; she may have been a woman, but she was still human.

Taehyung frowned at me as 1216 swallowed her food and answered, "No, Sir,"

"Jimin," He said, ignoring 1216's answer, "Did you just-"

"Shut up," I snapped, placing my cutlery on my plate, "I'm finished. Don't you have work to do?"

Taehyung sighed and stood up, "Be careful, Jimin. Remember what happened before,"

I unconsciously lifted my arm and touched my hand to my chest, "I never forget it, Tae. Please tell them to have the Ponies prepared for departure the day after tomorrow,"

Taehyung nodded and glanced at 1216 again, before leaving the room.

The Care girl came in the room to collect the plates, and then once she was gone, my office went back to being quiet and peaceful.



For the rest of the day, the General allowed me to look through a book while I was sitting there. It was a new published book about outside the walls and some information on certain animals.

From what I heard from the General and Taehyungs conversation earlier, we would be travelling on Ponies, and that meant that we would be riding what counted as prey for most other animals. But that didn't matter. We counted as prey for most other animals.

I read carefully through the section about winter, and was relieved to find that a lot of the bigger animals; like bears and lions, mostly hibernated through the cold. But it also meant that other animals, like wolves and horses were more active, as they had less competition from bigger predators. There were very few herbivores in the wild, and the ones that were out there, were a lot more dangerous than carnivores in some cases.

The pictures on the pages gave me shivers and I prayed with all my soul that we wouldn't encounter any of these animals while we were travelling.

Just as I closed the book, the General stood up,stretched and pulled on his jacket.

"Time to go," He said, and I stood up for him to swap the chain for the lead. I pulled my jacket and scarf over my shoulders, and he pulled me from the office and led me home.

When we got home, I made us dinner, and he informed me that after we had eaten in the morning, we had to go and do a little shopping.

"Go to bed," He said, not looking at me as he read through a newspaper, "Tomorrow will be busy,"

"Yes, Sir," I said, immediately heading up the stairs.

"Oh, and Bee?"

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard the sound of my name. I slowly turned to look at him, in complete shock.

"Good job today," He said, still not looking at me, "Go to bed,"

It took me a few moments to reply, "Thank you, Sir," He said nothing, so I followed his instructions to go upstairs and get to sleep.



My sons still sick DX but he's been resting, so I've been able to de-stress by writing.

And I'm still in pain, but that's not going to change for the foreseeable future. Thanks so much for all the support!!

Anyway, enough complaining, I hope you're enjoying this series so far! It's about to get very interesting!

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