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Yoongi spun around faster than I had ever seen him move, "Hannah?!" His eyes filled with tears as I watched with shock as he walked closer to the stairs, where the woman was calling from, "Is it really you?"

Hannah burst into tears and lifted her skirts, rushing down the stairs. She jumped off the bottom step, throwing her arms around Yoongi. He in turn, wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tightly as they both let their emotions run wild.

I felt a little awkward standing there like the third wheel, and I know it was clearly a touching reunion, but it needed to be held elsewhere.

"I hate to interrupt," I said, placing my gun back in the holster, "But Taehyung is on his way to HQ right now, and any minute we will be swarmed by soldiers,"

Yoongi pulled away from the dark haired woman and took her hand in his, "Let's go," He said firmly, and I nodded, before rushing out of my former friends home. Yoongi was close behind, pulling Hannah with him, and we made it back to the secret door without seeing a single soldier, luckily.

"How'd it go?" Jin asked as I went through the doorway first.

"Not good," I muttered, going straight to Bee and mounting the pony behind her, "We need to go, now,"

"You didn't bring him- Who's that?" Daisy exclaimed as Yoongi came through the door with Hannah. He closed it firmly behind them and helped her onto his pony, before climbing up behind her.

It was too dark to see Hannahs face out here, and there was no time to answer. We could hear soldiers inside the walls, looking for us.

"Answer later, we need to go!" Jin said, "Come on, let's get out of here!"

We set off back to the caves as fast as we could get the ponies to run. As before, it was snowing again, so the tracks were getting filled in quickly. As we reached the mouth of the cave, Daisy dismounted and opened the gate, and we hurried inside. Once the gate was closed again, the lights came on, and everyone turned to look at Yoongi.

"Hannah?!" Bee cried from in front of me, and suddenly everyones attention was on her.

"Bee, you-"

"Bee?!" Hannah replied, cutting off my question. Without another word, both women dismounted and rushed at each other, meeting in a tight embrace, more tears than ever before.

"What the hell is going on?" Daisy asked, completely confused.

"She's my sister," Bee sobbed still clinging to Hannah, "Jimin, you found her for me, just like you promised!"

Both Yoongi and I looked at each other in shock, and then back to the girls.

"Sister?!" We both exclaimed at the same time, "You're sisters?!"

The girls finally let go of each other and wiped their tears.

"Wow," Daisy mumbled, moving to Hannah, "Small world. Good to have you back, Hannah," She hugged her and moved back to her pony, "Let's get back and then I think everyone has some explaining to do,"



I couldn't believe Jimin had brought my sister back with him. I hadn't seen her in well over a year, as she was sold before me. I had no idea that she was the one Yoongi loved, or that she had been living outside of the walls, and to be honest, at that moment, I didn't care. I was just glad to finally see her again.

The trip back through the tunnel was quick and fairly quiet, apart from the clicking sounds of a Cave spider as we passed one of the grates. As soon as we were back inside the cavern, we put the ponies in the stables, and I went straight to my sisters side.

Except this time, Yoongi wasn't letting her go so easily. Even while mounted, he had his arms around her tightly, and even now while we were walking back to the conference room, it was about all I could do to hold her hand.

We all sat down wearily at the table, and Tam rushed in not long after, with cups of hot drinks for everyone. Daisy pulled her down to sit next to her, and rested her head on her shoulder for a moment, before addressing us.

"So, what happened?" 

Yoongi and Jimin both cleared their throats.

"Taehyung won't be joining us," Jimin said, "I'm sorry,"

"Not only that," Yoongi added, his arm still holding Hannah to him, "But he reported him to the government. We won't be able to get in so easily, he's a wanted man now,"

Daisy sighed, "Well, this was a possibility," She admitted, "We can't do anything about it now. We'll have to come up with another plan," She turned to Yoongi and Hannah, "It's good to have you back, Hannah. Want to tell us what happened?"

My sister took a deep breath, "Taehyung captured me and took me back to the city," She said, "I thought he was going to execute me, but instead I was put through 're-training', and Taehyung decided to keep me," She turned to Yoongi, "He never touched me, though,"

"I think everyone should get some sleep," Jin said, getting to his feet, "This has been an emotionally exhausting day, and we need some rest. We can all catch up and start new plans tomorrow,"

Daisy nodded, "I agree. Everyone, get some rest,"

Jimin pulled me to my feet, and although I wanted to spend time with my sister, I followed him out the door. As much as I loved her, she deserved some time alone with the man she loved, after being away from him for so long.

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