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Kim arrived not long after Jimin and the others went into the city, and once she was in position, Yoongi, Tam and I pulled the door open.

"Close it tight behind us," Yoongi said as he dismounted and tried to get his pony through the small door, "Come on, you stupid animal," He muttered, "Come on, it's fine," The pony dug its hooves into the floor and refused, so I dismounted and pulled Hobi.

"Let me go first," I said quietly. Jimin trusted this pony with both of our lives, and told us multiple times that he was a war pony, so he wouldn't hesitate. Yoongi moved his pony out of the way, and I walked through the door. Hobi lowered his head and quickly pushed himself through the gap, and I patted his neck gently, "Good boy," He bashed me hard with his head like he did to Jimin, and I staggered to the side slightly.

"That's one weird pony," Kim commented from outside, "Yoongi, try again, your pony should follow that one,"

It didn't take much coaxing to get Yoongis pony through this time, and Tam followed easily with her own pony after. Kim wished us luck and pushed the door closed behind us.

"Let's go," Yoongi whispered.

However, just as we mounted the ponies, we heard a shout.

"Hey! Stop!" We all turned our head towards the sound, to see a group of soldiers.

"They came through the wall!" One of them yelled as they rushed us.

"This way, quick!" Tam cried, pushing her horse into a gallop. Yoongi and I quickly followed her, and although we had outrun the soldiers, the sounds of the ponies hooves on the cobblestones as we reached the town hall was almost deafening.

We skidded to a halt around the back of the town hall, before dismounting and moving into the shadows to tie the ponies.

"Shit," Yoongi muttered as we quietly went in through the back door, "They're going to have guards there now, we need to think of another plan,"

"Wait until Jin gets here," Tam said, leading us through the dark halls, "We can figure it out, then,"

Yoongi knocked out and confined the guard before relieving him of his keys, and we headed into the room where all the Care girls were.

A few of them stirred as we entered the room, and when Yoongi starred undoing the locks on the cells, they all got to their feet, questioning what was happening. Leaving Yoongi and Tam to explain, I went into the room where they did the ritual cleansing, and emptied the cupboards of all the dresses and robes, before bringing them out and handing a set to each girl so they were covered.

"Wait here," Yoongi ordered, sneaking out. He came back a few moments later with some guns and short swords, and handed them out to the girls nearest them, "The guards won't be a problem, but soldiers on the street will," He said, "You need to keep this door locked until I came back for you. Understand?"

The girls nodded and he and I headed out of the door to wait for Jin, leaving Tam in charge of the women.



I had managed to open the door to the armoury with a little help from Daisy, and we had just finished emptying it into the large army vehicle at the back of the building when we were finally caught out.

"Tell Jin to go!" I yelled to Hannah as I handed her the last bundle of weapons from the store. She took off as quickly as her legs would carry her towards the back of the building as the huge gang of soldiers ran towards us.

I unholstered my gun and fired it off towards them, forcing them to scatter, slowing down their charge.

"Go," I ordered Daisy, "Leave them to me,"

"Don't tell me what to do, asshole," Daisy replied, also firing her gun. We ducked around the corner as the soldiers all open fired at us, lucky to get away without getting hit. I kept leaning out and checking, trying to get them to fire at me as much as possible, to waste their bullets.

"You need to go!" I cried, "Go and make sure Hannah got to Jin safely,"

"I trust her to do what needs doing, I'm not leaving you to fight a whole bunch of soldiers!" Daisy leaned around me and fired again, "I only have three left,"

I grabbed her and dragged her back roughly, "Daisy, please. I need you to make sure that they're safe. Please, I need Bee to be safe,"

Daisy looked at me a moment, and nodded, before rushing away down the corridor that Hannah had taken.

I fired a few more rounds at the group of soldiers, but I quickly ran out of bullets. With a curse, I threw my gun to the ground, and drew my sword. If they wanted to get past me, they would die trying.



The moment that Jin pulled up, he was out of the car and rushing to the back.

"We have a problem," He cried, opening the back door, "Soldiers are swarming the headquarters, I just about got away,"

"There are soldiers at the wall," I gasped, "You won't be able to sneak the girls out,"

"Fuck, what do we do?" Jin swore, "How are we going to get them out and get our troops in?"

Yoongi went to the back of the van and pulled out a gun. He tossed it to Jin, who caught it easily, "Arm the girls and show them how to shoot. Lock and guard all the doors until we get back,"

"What about you?" Jin asked as he walked towards where we had tied the ponies.

"I'm going to help," Yoongi said.

I ran after him, grabbing his arm, "I'm coming, too," 

He paused for just a moment, before he nodded. We both mounted our ponies, and took off as fast as we could to the military headquarters.

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