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I had never hated anyone more in that moment than in my entire life. I had never met anyone so stupid and twisted; and completely oblivious. Every single thing that Daisy had said, was right. I was a coward, and I hated myself.

I had told myself that I was against the beating of women, and that I tried to stop it, but I didn't. I may have said a few times not to do it, with the excuse of paying for a doctor, but that didn't do anything.

I knew that Bee had grown up poor, and that she had a rough start to life; she even had a burn mark on her leg. But I didn't think too much about it. And it didn't matter whether the woman was born in a poor area or a rich area, the only difference between them was the fact that the richer women had a warmer dress to wear in the winter.

I sat on a rickety wooden bench at the side of the path, and thought back on my history classes at school; something that women were not allowed to attend. How did our world get so twisted? I couldn't think of a time where the teacher had told us that what we were doing was wrong. It was different to how the ancients were, but we weren't wrong.

That is what I was taught.

But it was wrong.

I thought back to Bees mother; how even in the snowy, icy cold weather, all she was wearing was a light dress, because her so called master didn't want to get her anything else. 

I remembered when I first saw Daisy standing on the stage at her auction, bloodied and bruised because she didn't want to be sold like an animal.

And then I remembered when I first saw Bee; how I had threatened to cut her tongue out for arguing with the guards lies. I had given her the label of being dangerous because she was protecting herself from being raped; by being disobedient and protecting herself, she was breaking the rules. If she had allowed herself to be raped, she would still be breaking the rules.

There was no way, in that situation, she would have come out on top. But still she didn't give up.

Even with someone like me forcing her to leave the safety of the walls, she didn't give up.

I suddenly felt more self hate than ever, when I realized what I had said when we galloped out of the city walls.

"This is what it feels like to be free, Bee. This is how it feels to have no walls, no locks, and no laws,"  

I stood up, trying to turn the rage I was feeling towards myself into something more productive. I hated my cowardly self, for what I had unknowingly done for my entire life, but now was not the time to dwell on it.

I needed instead, to do something about it. 

My feelings for Bee had never been more clear to me, and I knew that the only way I could make it right to her, was to help Daisy start her revolution. 

I was a General. I was good at war.



I waited miserably in the room for an hour, just sitting on the chair and not moving. The medic (his name was Jin) brought me a mug of tea and then sat back down with the rest of us in silence.

I had never tasted tea before, as it was a 'rich' drink for the men, but I assumed that they grew tea leaves on their allotments, so it was readily available to everyone. Even me. A woman.

Everything that Daisy had said to Jimin was right, and not only did the reality of our situation hit him in the face, it hit me too. Jimin had been gone for over an hour, by this point, and I wasn't sure if we were going to wait for him any longer.

However, just as Daisy stood up and took a deep breath, the door swung open, and all heads turned to face the person coming in.

Jimin strode in, his face serious, despite his slightly red eyes, and he fixed both me and Daisy with a stare, before dropping to his knees. He bent forward, his hands underneath him and his forehead touching the ground in a bow.

"I'm sorry," He said, his voice strong despite the fact that it was a little muffled, "For everything that I have and haven't done, in my life," He lifted his head, and looked directly at me, "I know you probably can't forgive me, but I want to at least try to make it up to you," He turned then, and looked at Daisy, "I want to help,"

"Great," Yoongi said, moving to him and pulling him to his feet, "Then let's get this started,"

Jimin took a seat next to me, avoiding my gaze. My feelings grew complicated, and I didn't know how I was supposed to act, or react now.

"What's first on the list?" He asked, looking at Daisy.

"I need to get someone out of Bangtan City," She said, tapping her finger on the table, "Top priority. The only person I have ever loved, apart from my mother,"

"Where do we find him?"

"Him?" Daisy laughed softly, "No, General. My love is a woman. And her name is Tam,"


Double update~

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