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When I woke up in the morning, my face was freezing cold. I could see my breath, and my nose had gone numb. My body, however, was warm. I had stripped out of my jumper and shoes, and gone to bed in just my leggings and vest top that I was wearing underneath.

I could see that it wasn't light outside yet, and the room was lit only by the dying embers of the fire that was not too far from the bed. I was surprised that it still had some life to it, but I wasn't sure how long we had actually been asleep.

My body felt heavy, so using this rare opportunity to sleep just a little more, I rolled over to face the other direction and get comfortable again. It was then that I remembered that I was not alone in the bed.

General Park Jimin was laying next to me. His head was resting on his arm, that was folded up above his shoulders in place of a pillow; which I was currently resting my own head on. The blankets were pulled up to his neck, just like me, and I realized that the heaviness in my body wasn't actually me; it was his other arm across my waist. He was laying extremely close to me, and he moaned softly, his plump lips parting as his leg shifted and moved so it was hooked around one of mine.

I hadn't seen his face so close before, and although I knew he was good looking, I had never been able to appreciate his beauty before. His skin was smooth and flawless, and his nose was straight and sitting perfectly in the middle of his face. His lashes were thick and dark, and his lips; now parted very slightly, drew me to him in ways I had never felt before. They were plump and pink, even in the cold, and I was slightly jealous that they looked so good.

I was still shocked over how he had behaved the previous night, but now he was asleep in front of me, looking so relaxed, I could believe it slightly. 

The General just wanted to be free. He didn't want to live locked up behind the walls, following all the rules and lying to himself just so he could keep up appearances. He clearly took his job of protecting the city very seriously, but after he spoke to me last night, it was obvious that there was so much more to him than meets the eye. 

In front of the world, he was tough, strong and powerful. Behind closed doors, he was gentle, and it seemed that all he wanted was to be loved.

The General let out a soft sigh in his sleep, and his lips moved slightly.


My eyes widened in shock. There was no way that the General had just sighed my name in his sleep. He moaned again, turning his head into his arm so his blond hair flopped over his eyes.

I rolled onto my back and slowly sat up. It was absolutely freezing in the room, so I quickly slipped on my warm boots and jumper, before heading into the bathroom to relieve myself. 

Once I was back in the main room, I re-lit the fire, adding a few twigs to the growing flames, before putting the larger logs in. It was still dark out, so I placed the left over stew over the heat, hoping that there was still time to have breakfast before we moved on.

I heard a soft groan from the bed, and looked over to see the General stretching out his muscles; his body arching up under the blanket, before he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Morning, Sir," I said quietly, "I'm heating up the stew for breakfast,"

"Morning, Bee," He said, stifling a yawn, "I thought I asked you to call me by my name,"

I knew my face was turning red as he stared at me, and I nodded, "Sorry. Good morning, Jimin,"

His face lit up with a smile, and he swung his feet over the bed, pushing them into his trousers before reaching for his boots. Once they were on he stood up and stretched again. He then reached out and pulled his jumped off the hook by the fireplace, and tugged it over his head before heading into the bathroom.

We ate in silence once again, and although neither of us spoke, the atmosphere was warm and relaxed.

"Bee," He said suddenly, once the dishes were all cleared away and we were pulling our coats on, "Do you want to stay with me?"

I looked at him, a little confused, and he spoke again, "When we get back to Bangtan City. Do you want to stay with me? I can register you as mine, if you want. If you'd rather go to someone else, I know a man that is honourable and kind. Namjoon would look after you well,"

"No," I said quickly, once again feeling my cheeks heat up, "No, I'd like to stay with you, if that is okay,"

He nodded and bit his lip; it looked a little like he was trying not to smile.

"Wait here, I'll get the ponies ready, and then we can ride,"

"Yes, Jimin," 

His efforts to hold back his smile failed when he heard me say his name. One night in a cabin with him, had changed my perspective completely. Out of all the men I had met in my life, General Park Jimin was different.

He was starting to become someone I enjoyed being with, and to tell the truth, I felt myself beginning to panic at just the thought of being away from him.


AN: Double update because my Moo needs cheering up 

It's getting interesting soon~ I hope you're enjoying

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