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"You want me to what?!" Daisy cried, "No, I swore to myself that I would never-"

"It'll work," Jimin insisted, "Believe me, it's the only way to get into the building without a fight! Once we are in, we can get to the armory, and by then, Bee, Tam and Yoongi would have started to free the Care girls.

"I'm not letting Tam do that!" Daisy cried, "She could get hurt!"

"I won't let her get hurt," Yoongi promised, "Same as Bee. I'll protect them with my life,"

"I trust Bee to do this," Jimin said calmly, reaching down and taking my hand in his again. He squeezed my fingers and turned to look at me, "I trust you,"

I smiled up at him, before looking at Daisy, "If Tam is okay with doing it, you shouldn't try to stop her," I said.

Daisy grit her teeth and nodded, "Fine. So what then? What happens after we are taken in?"

"We'll load the weapons up in one of the military cars, and Jin can drive them to a meeting place for the Care girls to take. Once they have them, they can exit the city through the door, and bring the weapons to your men and women at the cave,"

"How do you expect an enormous group of girls to run through the snow with heavy weaponry?" Daisy asked, "They'll be spotted and killed on the spot,"

"Kim," I said suddenly, "Kim is good with ponies. She can wait outside with some wagons to take them there,"

Daisy took a deep breath and looked around the room.

"Alright," She nodded, "I trust all of you. And like you said, it is a good plan. I'm just afraid of people I love getting hurt,"

"You're going to war, Daisy," Jimin said, "Unfortunately, casualties are expected. But if we stick to the plan, and are as careful as possible, we will be able to pull it off,"

Daisy nodded, "You're right," She got to her feet, "We'll do this in a weeks time. We need to spend the rest of our time preparing and explaining the plan to the rest of the people here," She looked at Tam, and then me, "And you two need to be able to ride a pony properly. I'll ask Kim to teach them,"

"I can teach one of them," Hannah piped up, "That way they can both learn properly at the same time,"

Jin stood up, once again being the sensible one, "It's time for us to have some lunch," He said, "And then we all need to take the afternoon off. Everyone needs some time to gather their wits and relax, before we start preparations,"



I took Bees hand and we arrived back at our home, just as a man and a woman were coming out with empty trays.

"Thank you," I smiled, and they returned the smile. Bee, however, went to them.

"Is there any way I can help?" She asked, "I'm useless apart from cleaning and cooking, and I feel guilty that people are doing it for us,"

The man laughed, "Everyone here has a job given to them, Miss," The woman nodded in agreement, "You're obviously not useless with whatever task you've been given, otherwise Daisy would have moved you along to something else,"

"But I'm not helping them at all," She argued weakly. The woman reached out and patted her shoulder.

"I think you are, but you just don't realise it," This time, the man nodded in agreement, "Thank you for your offer," She said, "If anyone needs any extra help, I'll be sure to come and find you,"

They both left, and Bee looked at me sadly, "I want to be able to do something," She said as she pushed the door open into our little home.

I followed her in, closing the door behind us. Before she could turn around to face me, I pulled her into my body, so her back was against my chest, and held her tightly. She lifted her hand and placed it on my arm in a weak attempt at hugging me back.

"The woman was right, Bee," I said, "You are helping so much. You are keeping calm no matter what, and just by trusting me and the other people we are planning with, you are making us stronger. We need to trust each other, and you are helping us do that,"

I heard her let out a sigh, and she twisted in my arms so she was facing me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her face against my chest. Holding someone had never felt so good, and so right to me, and we stood in silence for a few moments before she spoke.

"I don't know if what you're saying is entirely true," She mumbled, still resting against my chest, "But if you say I am helping, for now I will stay with you. Just until anyone else needs my help," She looked up, a smile on her face, "Thank you, Jimin,"

I smiled back down at her, before pressing a chaste kiss onto her forehead, "Come on, let's not waste the food they brought us,"

As we sat down to eat the food on the small table, I couldn't help but admire Bee. Even though she'd spent her whole life cooking and cleaning, now she was finally free, she still wanted to do nothing but help others.

And that in itself, was one of the reasons I selfishly wanted her by my side. She kept me grounded, and reminded me that I needed to focus on more than just the end game.


AN: I know it's a bit slow, but it'll get fun again, soon!

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