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The sound of the snow crunching under my feet as we walked quickly to my mothers house wasn't as loud as the beating of my heart. I was struggling to resist the urge of holding onto Jimins hand, but we had to keep up appearances, just in case someone decided to go for a late night walk.

We stopped outside my old Masters home, and I opened the door, "He never locks it," I explained when Jimin raised an eyebrow, "I'll be right back,"

Memories came flooding back to me as I entered the tiny house, but I pushed them aside as I headed up the creaky stairs and into my old bedroom.

My Mama was on the bed, with the blankets that Jimin had purchased her covering her body, but she was still shivering from the cold.

"Mama," I whispered, gently shaking her, "Mama, wake up,"

Mama groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes. When she realised I was there, she shot out of the bed, "Bee! Why're you here?! No, you need to get back to you-"

"Jimin's outside, waiting, Mama, you need to get dressed, we have to go!"

"Jimin?" She questioned, "Bee, what are you talking about?"

"Mama," I said in hushed tones, "Please get dressed. We're leaving the city. We found somewhere else, I'm not a slave anymore!" I showed her my collar, and she gasped when she saw no padlock, "I came back for you, please Mama, please we need to go,"

My Mama stared at me in shock for a moment, and then nodded, quickly pulling on the coat that we had brought her, and then her boots, before turning to me.

"I'm ready, HoneyBee,"

I took her cold hand and pulled her down the stairs and towards the front door, but as I reached for the handle, I heard a voice behind us.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

We spun around and saw the Master standing in the kitchen, a gun pointed at us.

"Master, we-" My Mama started, but he cut her off.

"Shut up!" He snapped, "You're trying to leave. And that is an act punishable by death," I heard a click as he readied the gun, and pulled my mother to the door, opening it and dragging her outside.

"Jimi-!" My call was cut off by a gunshot. I felt my Mamas hand be ripped from mine, and spun in horror to see her falling to the floor almost in slow motion as red spread across her chest.

Her eyes were wide in shock, and she looked up at me, tears in her eyes and blood dribbling from her mouth.

"HoneyBee," She whispered, her voice coming out choked, "Run,"

I screamed rushing back to her as her eyes closed, and came face to face with the barrel of a gun.

"She died for her sins," The Master spat, "And so will you,"

I stared over the gun at him, uncontrollable hate and sorrow pushing out of me in the form of tears streaming down my face. I didn't even close them when I heard a gunshot.



I heard a gunshot followed by a scream, and rushed through the open door, only to see Bee with a gun pointed at her head. Without even thinking, I pulled the gun that Yoongi had given me from my holster, lifting it and firing with no thought but to protect Bee.

The man crumpled to the floor, and Bee quickly followed him, sobbing as she crawled along to her mother.

"Mama," She was struggling to speak through her tears as she reached out, gripping the womans shoulders and shaking, "Mama, wake up, we have to go, please, Mama!"

"Bee," I felt myself tearing up at her pure anguish, and went to her, gripping her shoulders in my hands, "Bee, come on,"

"No!" She screamed, "Mama! Please, Mama wake up!"

"She's gone!" I yelled. It broke my heart seeing her like this, and I didn't want to shout at her like that, but if we didn't leave, we'd be dead too, and I couldn't let that happen to her, "Bee, we have to go, come on!"

Bee broke down over her mothers body, clinging to her coat with her small fists, still trying to wake her up between sobs, "Mama... Please.."

I could hear footsteps, and decided to do the only thing I could. I would regret pulling her away, and not letting her say goodbye properly, but we had to move. I scooped Bee up in my arms and rushed out of the door, sprinting as fast as I could down to the nearest alleyway.

Once in the dark, dank space, I ran to the concrete door and kicked at it.

"Open the door!" I said as loudly as I dared, "Quick!"

The door opened and I pushed past the shocked faces of Jin and Yoongi, placing Bee on Hobis back. She had blood all over her hands and there was some on her legs from where she was kneeling on the floor, and she was crying so hard that I was wondering how she was even breathing.

"What happened?!" Yoongi asked, "Where's her mother?!"

I shook my head and mounted the pony, holding Bee close as she curled up, clinging to my coat, "We need to leave,"

There was silence until Daisy mounted her own pony, Tam behind her holding on to her waist, "Let's go," She said softly, touching her heels to the ponys flank.

Yoongi and Jin quickly mounted their ponies and followed her, with me close behind, Bee still clinging to me as we rode into the night towards the cave entrance.

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