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I didn't even see the first animal move, but Jimin did, and he spun sideways, pushing me back as he swung his sword. The blade pierced through the flesh of one of the horses, and it let out a screech, before backing up slightly, leaving a trail of bright blood on the white snow.

Jimin gripped the handle of his sword with both hands, still backing me up, "When I give you the signal," He said, his eyes still on the horses, "I need you to run and climb a tree,"

"You're coming too," I said, clinging to his shoulders, "You're not going to leave me," It wasn't a question. It was me praying and hoping.

"I'll run when I can," He said, once again swinging at a horse that got too close, "What's important is yo-" 

There was a sharp sound of a whinny behind us, and I spun, my heart almost jumping into my mouth it was pounding so hard from fear.

"They're behind us!" I cried, "Jimin, they're behind us!"

"Shit," He muttered, "You'll have to run the other direction. I can't hold them all off,"

"No, Jimin," I begged, "Don't, you have to come with me!"

"Get ready," He ignored me and changed direction, backing me up towards a gap in the ranks of horses, "You'll have to be quick, but I won't let them hurt you,"

I could feel his muscles tense under my hand, and knew he was getting ready to protect me; however, when he shouted for me to run, I wasn't ready. He shoved me hard as a horse leaped at him, and I stumbled from the force, hitting the snowy floor. Jimin swung his sword around so fast that it was a blur, but he assumed I had run, and didn't know I was still with him.

I whimpered and tried to get to my feet, freezing when I heard a growl close a lot closer to me than before.

I could see the figure of a horse getting closer and closer to me, and my body betrayed me by not letting me move.

Jimin turned at that point, and instead of seeing me climbing a tree, he saw me about to get killed by a horse.

"Bee!" He screamed, racing towards me through the snow as fast as his legs would allow him. He was fighting through other horses as he came, and I cried out as I saw him go down in the snow, a flash of red blood flying through the air. I couldn't work out if it was his blood or a horses, but I didn't have any more time to think. 

The horse in front of me dashed forward, and I only escaped by throwing myself sideways and rolling through the snow. I pushed myself off the floor, rushing towards Jimin as fast as I could. I could see that he was back on his feet, sword swinging expertly through his panic as he tried to get to me.

"Bee, no, run!" He yelled, "I can't keep them all back!"

Suddenly, there was the loud, piercing sound of some kind of horn. The horses all froze, and, as one, turned and galloped away, their feet making the ground shake. I rushed through the thick snow to Jimin, who wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight.

"Shit, Bee, you're alright," I could feel his body trembling, and he slowly grew heavier, leaning on me. I heard the soft thump as his sword slipped from his fingers, and I cried out as he went limp in my arms.

I couldn't support his weight and whimpered as I tried to lower him to the ground gently. When his body hit the snow, I felt something wet and hot on my hand, and as I pulled away from him, I realised that it was soaked with blood. The Generals blood.

"Jimin!" I cried softly, dropping to my knees, "You're hurt, I need to treat you-"

"I'm alright," I could see the steam of his breath, it was so cold, and it was coming out a lot faster than it should have been, even  with the horrible incident with the horses just now.

"Just need a rest. Are you hurt?"

"What can I use?" I sobbed, "I need to find something to stop the bleeding,"

"What drove them away?" It was as if he was denying his pain, and that just made me more upset.

However, before either of  us could say anything else, Jimin pushed me to the side and grabbed his fallen sword, staggering to his feet on unsteady legs. 

"Put that sword down, you won't do any damage with the way you are right now,"

I heard a voice through the bright white of the snow, and got to my feet, moving to stand next to the General.

I saw Jimins fingers tighten on the handle of the sword as a figure came towards us, followed by many more figures. There were humans out here!

"Drop your sword!" The voice sounded again, and I gasped as I saw the figure stop in front of us. It was a woman, with long, black hair and strong, firey eyes. She grinned, even though Jimin was glaring at her, blood now dripping from his body to stain the snow.

"Come on, Jimin," She said, her voice almost a purr, "I don't want to have to stab you again,"

I looked at the General in shock as he spoke, his voice more like an angry growl of an animal, than the soft voice I had grown to enjoy hearing, "Daisy,"

"Nice to see you again, Master," She said sarcastically, "Now drop the sword so we can get to safety before the horses come back,"


AN: That's right. Daisy isn't dead! I know some of you guessed it, though, so the twist isn't as good DX

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