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"Help with what?" Jimin stayed unmoving next to me.

"I need to get into Bangtan City," Daisy said, tapping the map, "I need to get someone out, before the revolution can begin,"

"Revol-" Jimin cut himself off with a laugh, "You're asking the General of the entire Regions army to help you revolt?"

"You owe me your life," Daisy said, narrowing her eyes, "Twice over. And hers," She pointed at me and Jimin glanced down at me, before looking back at her, "I chased those horses away, and I stopped you from bleeding out. I also stopped Bee from dying. You owe me,"

Jimin moved to the table and sat down at one of the chairs. Yoongi, who was still standing near the door, moved behind me and nudged me a little nodding to one of the chairs.

"You can sit, you know," He said, "You don't need permission,"

I gave him a weak smile, before moving to the table. Before I reached a spare chair, Jimin pushed the one next to him out from under the table.

"Can you sit next to me?" He asked, his voice quiet and his cheeks a little pink in front of everyone else in the room. I couldn't help but smile a bit, and sank into the chair next to him. He smiled back, before turning to look at Daisy again.

"What makes you think that a revolution would work?" He said, "The government are too strong, you can't over throw them,"

"You're in control of the army," Daisy pointed out, "You just said so yourself. Simply call the soldiers off. Send them on a fake mission, and we can get in then. And with you on our side, the army will be under our control,"

Jimin nodded, "Yeah, but what about all the civilians? A lot of the men won't take kindly to that. There'd be a full on war. I'm not saying that I disagree with what you want, Daisy, but it's not that simple,"

"We just want to stop being slaves, Jimin!" Daisy cried, "You don't know what it's like! What if you were in out position?" Daisy turned to me, her eyes desperate, "Bee, how many times were you beaten growing up?"

I chewed my lip and looked down at the table, "I can't count,"

"How old were you when you were first forced to start chores?"

"Four," I felt my voice break, but Daisy kept going.

"You were ripped away from your mother, and you don't have a choice where you go, right?"

"Right," My eyes began to fill with tears.

"You don't have the right to choose who you have sex with, do you?" I shook my head, "You're going to be forced to have children, only to have them stolen from you, aren't you?"

I nodded and Jimin slammed his fist on the table angrily, making me jump, "I'd never let that happen to her!" He cried, "I've made it clear I will protect her with my life! And I have never lifted a hand against a woman!"

"But every other male has!" Daisy screamed at him, "You grew up in a home where you were educated, and allowed to play games and have fun! You were allowed to eat what you want, and you never had to lift a finger to do anything! Despite you saying you've never hurt anyone, you have, Jimin,"

Her voice softened slightly, and I saw Jimin look at her with wide eyes, "You paid for me. You paid for Rebecca, like we were nothing more than objects. You changed our names, you made us cook and clean. You walked us around on a lead like an animal. You sat back and watched as other men beat the women and young girls into submission, just because that's all you knew. You grew up being educated to think that women were beneath you, because that's what society wanted. You didn't hit us, but you didn't save us, either. You did nothing,"

Jimin was silent for a moment, before he got to his feet, his eyes filled with despair.

"Excuse me a minute," He said, his voice cracking as he turned away. He didn't look at me as he left the room through the main door, and without realizing it, I got to my feet to follow him.

"Let him go, Bee," Yoongi said, moving to me and placing a hand on my arm, "He needs to think about what Daisy said, and you comforting him would be the worst thing you could do right now,"

I slowly sank back into my seat, tears in my eyes.

Everything Daisy had said was right. I realized that my admiration and affection for him was most definitely not healthy. He may have been good to me, but under the law I was still his property.

I decided, that even if it hurt, my feelings for Park Jimin would all depend on his next move.

So I sat and waited in the large room, my eyes on the floor as I patiently waited for him to come back inside.

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