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As soon as we were back in the safety of the cave, the ivy covered gate closed and locked behind us, everyone dismounted and came straight to us.

"What happened?" Jin asked, reaching for Bee, "Where's all this blood coming from? We heard gunshots"

I could feel Bees body shaking, and gently pushed his hands away.

"It's not her blood," I said softly, wrapping my arms around her tightly. Hobi didn't move underneath me, even without my hands on the reigns, and I trusted him to stay still, "It's her mothers,"

Bee let out a choked sob and there was shocked silence around us in the dark cave.

"What happened?" Daisy asked softly. Since we had got out of the city, she hadn't let go of Tam. If we weren't in the situation we were in now, I would have found it cute.

"He caught them trying to leave," I answered, my fingers gently stroking Bees hair, trying to comfort her, "He.. He shot her and then tried to shoot Bee. I should have gone in with her, but I-"

"It's not your fault," Bee cut me off, lifting her tear stained face to look at me. Her eyes were red, and her cheeks were puffy from crying, but she looked extremely determined, "It was his fault. It was the systems fault. And I will make sure that something like this never happens again,"

Sh uncurled herself and sat upright on Hobi, "I want to go back," She said quietly, "So we can begin to plan the end of this era,"


Bee was quiet the entire ride back. I kept my arm around her the entire journey, as usual, but she didn't move once; not even when we heard the cry of a cave bear echo through the tunnels.

By the time we got back, everyone was so emotionally exhausted, that once we handed the ponies over to the woman at the stables (her name was Kim, and she insisted that I dealt with Hobi myself), we all headed back to our respective dwellings.

It was still dark as Bee and I made our way up the pathways. I was holding on to her hand as tightly as I could without hurting her, but she still didn't even look at me. Her eyes were on the ground, and she was taking deep breaths, as if she were trying to stop herself from crying.

Once we got into our structure, and lit up some candles, I turned to face her, lifting her chin up so she looked at me.

"Bee," I said softly, "It's okay if you cry. I didn't give you time to say goodbye, and I'm sorry. But you can still cry, even though you're not there with her,"

I could see the tears welling up in her eyes, but none of them escaped the cage of her eyelashes.

"Mama told me not to cry," She said, her voice breaking, "And I have cried many times since I left her. But this time, I won't cry anymore. I have to be strong, for her. I want to make her proud, Jimin,"

I leaned in closer, pressing my lips to hers firmly for a moment, and leaning back again, "You already have, Bee," I said quietly, "You're one of the most strong, adaptable people I have ever met, and I know that she is proud of you,"

She took a deep breath and lowered her face, "Thank you," She said, "Really, you've done so much for me. I hate to ask things from you, but is there any chance you can help me with something else?"

"Anything," I didn't even hesitate. By this point, I was sure that I'd walk off a cliff for her.

"When we go back to the city," She said, still looking down, "I want to find my sister,"

"I'll take the city apart for you," I said, knowing it was cheesy.

"Why?" She asked softly, "I'm such a burden, but you help me so much,"

I suddenly remembered the promise that I made to myself before; of telling her how I really felt before the war started.

It wasn't the perfect time, but I could think of nothing else as I gently tilted her face back up to me.

"That's because I love you, Bee,"

Bees eyes widened in shock, and her lips parted a little. I could see a flush growing on her face, and smiled, stepping back and running my fingers through my hair.

"Sorry, I know it's not the best time to confess my feelings to you," I said, "But I just needed you to know. Also, don't ever say you're a burden, because you're anything but,"

Bee just stared at me, her eyes still wide and her cheeks pink.

"I uh-" I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling uncomfortable, "Maybe I'll go for a shower,"

I spent more time than I know was necessary in the shower, trying to wash away my embarrassment, but it didn't work; I only washed away the dust from the ride. 

When I was done, I put my underwear on and peeked my head out into the sitting area. Bee was laying on the sofa, curled up as small as she could get, breathing softly. There was no longer any blood on her hands, and she had changed out of the bloody leggings.

With a smile, I moved to her and for the second time that day, scooped her up into my arms. I carried her to the bedroom and placed her on the bed, before pulling her boots off and tugging the covers up over her body. Once she was tucked in, I climbed in next to her.

Exhaustion caught up to me quickly, and I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


AN: Seriously, guys, thank you so much for the support on this book. I've just finished writing chapter 43 (omg really the longest book I've ever written) so I thought I'd post this now.

Quick note, I really appreciate your support, but please don't send any hate to any people who have taken the mic out of my name. I covered the names and pictures because I didn't want to point fingers or start an argument, I just wanted to bring awareness to my issue.

I love you guys, and I don't want anyone to be upset or feel bullied, okay? ^-^

Anyway, there will be a few filler chapters, before it get exciting again, sorry!

Also, I've had a lot of questions about the give away, so I'll give you a few points.

-It will be free

-It will be international

-There WILL be a competition of some kind, but nothing hard, so everyone can participate


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