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I was only eighty percent sure that Daisy wouldn't hurt Bee, so despite my growing weakness, I kept my arm around her tightly, my other hand resting on the hilt of my sword. Bee was trying to support me as we trekked through the snow but I could feel myself growing weaker.

Daisy was in the lead, with two people walking behind her. We were behind them, and either side of us there was a guard; one male, one female, both holding weapons that were pulled out and ready to use. I knew that whoever was walking behind us had weapons as well, and that they were pointed at me.

"I thought you executed her?" I heard a small voice by my side, and looked down at Bee, who was still holding on to me. Through the dark haze that was slowly taking over my world, I tried to shake my head. I couldn't, and that didn't surprise me, as I could barely keep myself upright.

"Where did you hear that?" I croaked, a little upset that she thought that I could do such a thing.

"Everyone," She said quietly, "I'm sorry, it's just so many people told me that,"

"I didn't, obviously," I muttered darkly, my eyes starting to lose their focus. I was so tired, "She stabbed me and ran. By the time the paramedics got to me, she was long gone,"

"But the council voted for her execution?" I wasn't sure why Bee was so focused on the fact that Daisy was not executed by me, but I took it as a sign of her being worried for my safety, so I answered her the best I could, considering the circumstances.

"They voted for her to be executed if she was found. She never was, so people assumed I killed her myself,"

My legs began to tremble as Bee paused before speaking again.

"Do you still love her?" 

I felt my heart slow down almost to the point of stopping when I heard that question. I was pretty sure that I had made my feelings towards Bee very clear this morning, but it obviously wasn't enough.

"No, Bee, I.." I could feel myself lose control of my legs, "Bee," My voice was a pathetic whimper as I went down, and I could hear her cry out, and see her reach for me as I finally closed my eyes, allowing myself to sleep.



Two of the men walking with us picked up the Generals still body without even hesitating and kept up the pace. One of the women at the flanks jabbed me in the side with a gun, gesturing for me to keep walking, so I hurried to keep up with them.

We kept walking for what felt like hours, but came to a stop in front of a sheer mountain wall, covered in ivy. With a brief look around, Daisy went to the wall and pushed aside some of the ivy, before kicking it once with her foot. She paused and kicked again, and suddenly, the ivy swung outwards and everyone stepped to the side. It wasn't real, it was just covering an enormous iron gate.

"Inside, quickly," She said to the men holding Jimin, "He needs to be treated, or he's probably going to die from blood loss,"

I rushed to keep up with him, but she stopped me, grabbing me by my arm and pulling me to the side to allow everyone else in first.

"No!" I cried, "Let me go with him!"

"You're not a medic," She said calmly, "You'll just get in the way!"

I could feel my eyes filling with tears. I was so overwhelmed by everything, that I didn't know how else to relax. In the few days since my eighteenth birthday, I had been taken from my mother, almost raped, been treated like a menace and then shown kindness from the most unexpected source.

"You love him?" Daisy scoffed, "Really? You like that son of a bitch?!"

"Don't talk about him that way!" I snapped back, tired of being spoken down to, "He saved my life! He's been nothing but kind to me, and I-"

Daisy cut me off with a laugh, "Well, I never," She pulled me in through the door, calling out in front of her, "Hey, Yoongz, we got a case of Stockholm syndrome!"

One of the men in the dark, damp tunnel ahead of us laughed, "Well shit, that's going to be fun,"

I jerked my arm out of Daisys grip, "Where are they taking Jimin?" I demanded, ignoring her ridicule, "I want to go, too,"

"I said no," Daisy said, taking my arm again and pulling me, "I'll take you to a room and you can wait there until he is fully awake again,"

"No!" I shoved her with all my might, and she stumbled backwards, a look of shock on her face. Once she recovered herself, she laughed again.

"That's the spirit, girl," She said, nodding her head, her grin huge, "But that's not we need right now," She turned and called to the man in front of her, "Yoongz, come get her, please,"

"With pleasure," He turned and walked towards me, and I lifted my hands, ready to protect myself as I had done with the guards.

However this man was not like them. He easily ducked under my arms before I could react, and caught me in the stomach with his shoulder. He lifted me into the air, hanging over his shoulder, with his arms around my thighs.

"If you hit him, I'll have to tie you up," Daisy said, a smirk on her face. She turned to the man who was holding me, "Take her to the lockup near the hospital wing,"

I felt the mans head nod once, and he turned, heading towards the mouth of the tunnel, where they had taken Jimin.


AN: Double update~ 

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