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I was miserable as I sat on the bed. I was in pain; understandably so, since the horse had sliced through my shoulder, leaving yet another scar on my already messed up body. I had lost a lot of blood, and I was tired, but I was also worried for Bees safety.

And I had to admit that I was selfishly wanting her near me, as I had grown so used to her being by my side over the last week or so, that it was painful for her to be away.

I knew I had gotten attached to her quite fast, but we had spent a lot of time together, and after she had opened up and let me hear her laugh, I was hooked. It was already at the stage of me willing to do anything to keep her happy and alive. If she wanted to be free of me completely, I would let her, even though it might kill me to leave her.

I looked up at the sound of soft footsteps, and then the most beautiful thing I had ever seen appeared in the doorway.

Bee was smiling. She was healthy, alive, and smiling.

"Bee," My voice was pathetic as I climbed gingerly off the bed, rushing to her. She met me half way, and I wrapped my arms around her body, holding her close. However, she pulled away and grabbed my face in her hands; a move so bold that it made my cheeks flush.

"Ow!" I cried in shock as she twisted my head to the side, then spun me around and touched the wound on my back, "Ow, Bee, stop- Ow!"

I could feel her lifting the bandage, pain shooting through my body as she examined the wound, before she let go with a small sound of reluctant acceptance.

"It looks clean," She said, "And it's not bleeding as much,"

"It is now," I muttered, turning around to look at her, "That hurt!"

She smiled up at me and I felt myself melt, before she lowered her face to the floor again.

"I was worried, "She said quietly, "They wouldn't let me come, too,"

"I'm okay," I assured her, "They treated me pretty well, considering who I am," Bee continued to look at the floor, and I had a sudden thought. Before I passed out in the snow, I remembered her asking me a question, that I didn't get to answer.

"Bee," I said, tilting her chin up to look at me, "You asked me before if I still loved Daisy. Why?" 

She averted her eyes, her cheeks pink, "I don't like her," She mumbled, her cheeks puffed up ever so slightly in her irritation and embarrassment, "She's rude and she locked me up,"

"Is that why you asked?" I pressed. I had already figured out that her feelings were starting to be like mine, but I wanted her to say it. I wanted to be sure.

"Yes," She said after a moments hesitation.

"You're lying to me," I said, leaning down towards her again, "Please tell me,"

"I guess, I..." She trailed off as I got closer and closer to her. I had every intention of kissing those plump, pouty lips again; to let myself drown in the feeling of her, but we were very rudely interrupted by someone at the door.

"Oh, this is gold,"

Bee spun around and I saw her body tense as she saw Daisy standing in the door.

"Sorry, do continue," Daisy said, waving her hand, "Don't mind me. I can wait,"

"What do you want?" I snapped, pulling Bee back so she was standing next to me with my arm around her.

"That's rude," Daisy said, "Considering I just saved your ass and brought you back to my home to be treated," 

We stood in silence staring at each other for a moment, before she took a deep breath, "Put a shirt on, General, and both of you come with me. We have a few things to discuss,"



I knew that both Daisy and Yoongi thought it was strange how close I was to Jimin, as he was my Master before Daisy removed my collar, but he was all I had now. I had been shown no kindness by any other man through my entire life, and now I was away from my home and routine, surrounded by people I didn't know and thrown into a world I was not used to, he was my only comfort.

And after that kiss; my first kiss, all I wanted was to be near him.

Maybe I did have a touch of Stockholm syndrome, as they called it, but I was okay with that. And the General had changed dramatically over the last few days. I really liked this side to him; his free side. The real Park Jimin.

I stuck close to him as we followed Daisy and Yoongi down a level and into another structure. It consisted of one large room, with a large table with several chairs around it. There was various piles of papers on the table, and on the other side, away from us, there was a large white sheet of paper, with some kind of map on it.

There was a man sitting by the map, and he looked up as we came in, a frown on his face.

"Daisy, he shouldn't be up yet. He lost a lot of blood, he needs to rest,"

"I'm standing right here, you know," Jimin muttered, his eyes narrow.

"Well sweetie," Daisy smiled, "Now you know how it feels," I hated to admit that she had a point, so I just lowered my eyes to the floor as she turned back to him, "He's fine, Jin. And he needs to be here, we need his help,"

"I know," Jin argued, standing up, "But he won't be much help if he keels over and dies, will he?"

"He's not going to die," Daisy snapped back, "He's survived worse,"

"But I'm not a bloody doctor!" He cried, "I'm just a medic, I can't fix him up all that well,"

"Jesus Christ," The General sighed, "I'm standing right here! I'm fine! Now stop talking about me and just get to the point. Why are we here, Daisy? Why didn't you let me die?"

Daisy sighed and went to the table. She leaned over and placed both hands on the smooth surface, and looked up at him as she spoke.

"We need your help, Jimin. Please,"


AN: Guys, I think it's really sad that I have to say this, but some of you have started taking the piss out of the name "Bee". Let me clear this up:

"Buzzz" "Bug" "A/the bee" etc etc is hurtful because Bee is my name. It may be funny to you, but imagine hearing this from multiple people constantly?

Its not nice! Please don't do it, it makes me not want to write.

Another thing is asking for updates. I update this more than once each day, so please just be grateful for that. I appreciate that you love it, I really do but please stop! Every time I get a comment or DM like that it makes me not want to update.

Sorry for that, but I have to make my feelings clear

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