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We exited the cavern through a small, hidden tunnel at the back, which Jin explained was an emergency exit. Although we were heading to do something extremely dangerous, I had to admit that I was content. I had my good arm around Bees waist, holding her tightly as we moved quickly through the dark tunnels. I could tell she was nervous, but when I squeezed her a little, she relaxed in to me, making me feel even happier.

The tunnels themselves would have been pitch black, if not for the small string of lights placed at intervals along the walls. Any gaps in the tunnel were blocked off by thick, iron grates, preventing any of the wildlife from getting inside.

We'd already been riding for over an hour when Daisy stopped her pony as we neared one of the grates.

"Move to the wall," She said, "Cave spider,"

Her voice was calm, but I felt my own heart jump to attention. I had never seen a cave spider, but I had heard tales about them, and read their information in my books.

They were huge; almost as big as a pony, with long legs and extremely good eyesight.

I heard a faint clicking sound, and Yoongis pony in front of us flinched. He calmed it by placing his hand on it's neck, and I saw him lean down to whisper calming words as it walked forward, trembling.

The only thing to scare Hobi so far had been horses, so despite how nervous the other ponies were, Hobi was unflinching. However, as we grew closer to the grate, I could see why the others were nervous.

The clicking sound grew louder and through the gaps of the grate, came a pair of long, hairy legs, silently reaching towards the ponies.

Bee let out a little whimper and I tightened my grip. Yoongi managed to get his pony past the searching legs with no problem, and they all stopped and waited for us to go past.

Bee whimpered again, "That's terrifying," Her voice came out as a squeak and I moved Hobi closer to the wall. I was proud that he didn't even hesitate to walk past the creature, and I managed to get a good look at it.

I couldn't see very much in the darkness, but I could see an enormous pair of fangs,dripping with venomous liquid, and I could see shining eyes. A lot of shining eyes, and some more legs. It began to click furiously at us as we walked by, its legs trying to reach us, as if it knew that it's chance of a meal was escaping. 

However as we went past, the clicking slowed, and the legs slowly withdrew.

Yoongi shuddered, "Those things scare the shit out of me," He muttered, "I'd rather face a cave bear,"

"They are pretty rare," Daisy commented, turning her pony and beginning to walk on, "I've only seen one once before, and I've been here for a while. I think there's only like three in the entire mountain,"

"Lucky," Jin said, "They're scary, but fascinating. Did you know, the venom doesn't actually kill you when the first bite? It just paralyzes you so it can wrap you up. The second bite kills you, and turns your insides to mush, so it can su-"

"Jesus fucking Christ, Jin, shut up," Yoongi groaned, "I don't want to know how it kills me, I just need to know that it can! Thanks for fueling my nightmares,"

Jin huffed, "Well I find it interesting,"

"You're a weirdo," Yoongi replied.

"Enough," Daisy sighed, "We're going to need to speed up a bit, we're taking it too slow,"



I had no idea how long we were riding, but as we had slowed down to go at a more gentle speed, I could feel myself nodding off due to the gentle rocking of being on the ponys back.

I must have fallen asleep, because a while later, I felt a gentle shake on my shoulder, and heard Jimins voice in my ear.

"Bee," I snuggled in closer to the warm chest behind me, not wanting to open my eyes, and I heard a small chuckle, "Come on, Bee, wake up, we're here,"

I forced to open my eyes and rubbed at them with a hand before looking around. We were at the mouth of a cave blocked off by another iron gate covered with ivy. Daisy dismounted and opened the gate, pushing it wide enough for the ponies to get through. Once we were all out, she closed the gate again, locking it tight.

It was already dark, but I could tell that we were in a forest. Through the trees, I could see a huge open space, and right in the middle, was Bangtan City.

"We'll have to ride at a canter to get there quickly but quietly," Jimin said, pulling our pony to the front, "We'll head right for the hidden door,"

Daisy pulled her pony up next to us, and pulled something out of her pack, "Here," She said, holding it out to me. It was my collar, with an unfamiliar lead attached to it. I reluctantly took it and placed it around my neck, and Jimin buckled it up loosely.

"It'll come off as soon as we're out," He promised.

I looked around, suddenly realizing something, "How will we all get back? There aren't enough ponies,"

"Tam will ride with Daisy, and your mother will ride with me," Yoongi said, "Don't worry, Bee, you can trust us, we planned this thoroughly,"

Jimin wrapped his arm around my waist again, and I felt comforted by his warmth, "Let's ride," He said, pushing the pony into a canter. I could heard the hooves of the other ponies behind us, and my heart began to pound in my chest as the city slowly grew bigger in front of my eyes.

I was finally going to be able to save my mother from the Master.

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