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"Kim left yesterday," Daisy said as she secured a quiver full of arrows to my back, before moving to Tam, "The wagons won't fit through the tunnels. She'll be in position by the time we are done,"

"Everyone know their roles?" Yoongi said, "Everyone ready?"

We all nodded, and Jimin helped me up on to the back of his pony. I could ride, now, so I'd be riding with him until we started the plan. He wanted me on Hobi, because he trusted him to keep me safe while he was gone.

We moved quickly through the tunnels, with, Daisy and Tam in the lead, followed by Jimin and I, with Yoongi and Hannah and Jin behind us.

Behind them, was the huge group of people who lived in the cavern, who were going to wait in the cave until the freed women and Kim brought them more weapons. 

We made our way in the dark as quietly as we could towards the hidden door in the wall, and when we got there, Jin turned his pony, "Ready?"

Yoongi kissed Hannah, and she dismounted, before coming to me. She took my hand, "Be safe," She whispered, before heading to Jin. 

"Rebecca," I turned to face Jimin and he cupped my face and kissed me like it was the last chance he'd ever get, "Remember your promise," He said, before dismounting.

I suddenly, out of nowhere realized something that I had suspicions about for a while; but in this moment, it was crystal clear.

"Jimin," He turned back to face me and I pulled him close, leaning down and kissing him, "I love you," I whispered. I saw his eyes widen in the darkness, and a huge smile spread across his face.

"I love you, too," He said, pecking me again and heading to Jin, who had dismounted. 

Daisy and Tam had a similar exchange, and I saw Daisy whisper something to Tam, who nodded, before she kissed her one last time and dismounted, heading with Jimin and Hannah to Jin.

Jin wrapped a rope around each of their wrists, "You just pull this," He said, putting the end of the line in each of their hands, "Pull that, and you come free straight away, remember that. If you struggle, you'll only tighten it, then you're trapped,"

"Pull here," Hannah mumbled, gripping the rope tightly in her hand, "Got it,"

Jin climbed back on his pony, "Good luck, guys," He said, before moving away at a walk, Jimin, Hannah and Daisy trailing behind him.

Jimin turned back to look at me one last time, before he was taken around the corner towards the gate.

"They'll be fine," Yoongi said to Tam and I, "They can all take care of themselves. They'll be fine," I could tell he was extremely worried, so I reached out, taking his hand in my own.

"We can trust them," I said, "And you can trust us. We can get it done,"

He looked at me, and nodded, "Yeah. Kim will be here soon, then we can get moving,"



"I'm here to see General Kim," Jin said to the guards at the gate, "I have something for him,"

"What?" The guard asked, "We can't let you in without inspecting what you have,"

I felt a tug on the ropes, and Daisy, Hannah and I stumbled forward. The guard looked at us, eyebrows raised.

"How did you manage to catch General Park?" He asked, "He's the best soldier our city has ever had,"

"Well he isn't as good as me, clearly," Jin laughed, "Let me in, times-a wasting,"

The front gates swung open and we walked in through the small alleyway that led to the second gate. I held my head high, ignoring the stares of the guards, and Jin had a similar exchange at the second gate.

Once we were in the city and out of earshot, Jin relaxed in his saddle.

"Everyone okay?"He asked, turning back to look at us, "Which way to the HQ? I haven't been in the city since I was a boy,"

"Go straight," I told him, "You have to go past the town hall, where the Care girls are,"

The roads were quiet, apart from the sound of the hooves of Jins pony, but I knew at this time, Taehyung would be in his office at the headquarters, as he wouldn't be resting after our exchange before.

Outside the main entrance, Jin dismounted and tied up his pony. He took a deep breath and looked at us, before walking through the front door.

As at the gates, He was asked a few questions, but this time they told him that they would take us of his hands and lock us up for him.

Jin, however, was very good with his words, and insisted that he take us to Taehyung personally. They were easily persuaded, and pointed us in the direction of Taehyungs office; my old office.

The plaque on the door had been replaced with his name and new rank, and I had to admit that I felt my eye twitch a little in annoyance. I was reminded how little he valued our relationship, and had to take a deep breath before Jin knocked.

"Come in," 

Jin opened the door and pulled us in.

"General Kim," He said as the door swung shut behind us, "I brought you something,"

Taehyung looked up, and his eyes opened in surprise. He stood up and walked around his desk to see us.

"Jimin," He said, almost sadly, "I was hoping that you wouldn't come back. You've been sentenced to death,"

"Then let me go!" I snapped at him, "If our friendship ever meant anything to you, Tae, then don't do this!"

Taehyung sighed and moved his eyes to Hannah, "You left," He said shortly, "After what I did for you. You repaid my kindness by leaving,"

Both Daisy and I looked over at Hannah, who was standing tall.

"You were kind to me, Taehyung," She admitted, her voice clear, "But I didn't want to stay with you. I don't love you, and I never will,"

I could see the muscles in Taehyungs jaw tighten as he clenched his teeth, but he said nothing. Instead, he went back to his desk, and took a seat.

"I'll call the guards up to take the-" He frowned and stood up straight away, "You didn't take their weapons?!"

Daisy tutted, "This is boring. Now!" She pulled on the rope and freed herself, but just as Taehyung went to draw his sword, Jin moved in behind him, and smacked him on the back of the head with his gun.

"Tie him up," Daisy said, "Let's get this moving before anyone realizes our plan,"

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