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I walked past the structure that had the little number twelve on it, and came to a halt outside a door with the number three on the door. I could see a dim light from inside, but I couldn't bring myself to knock on the door. 

The entire time we had been in that room with Daisy, Yoongi and Jin, he had avoided looking at me. I wanted to talk to him so badly, as his apology and choice on helping Daisy made me sure of how I was beginning to feel about him, but he was avoiding me.

I was sure now that my feelings weren't just admiration or affection; I was leaning more towards romantic feelings, but I had never felt that way before. I had only read about them in books. I didn't even know what love was, no one I had ever met until now had been in love; and I hadn't asked them what it felt like.

I chewed my lip in frustration. Why was I like this? I wasn't strong willed and driven, like Daisy. I wasn't confident and relaxed like Yoongi. I wasn't even intelligent like the General.

I was just a quiet girl who didn't know her way in life. I couldn't fight properly, and I didn't know how to survive outside of the city. How was I going to help in this revolution? And how was someone like me supposed to get the attention of the General again?

I looked up quickly when I heard the faint sound of a door opening, to see Jimin standing in the open space, the dim light from some candles glowing behind him, making his face dark with shadows.

"I saw you out here," He said quietly, "Did you want to see me?"

I nodded and he hesitated, before stepping to the side and inviting me in. I slowly walked past him into the structure and was surprised by what I saw. It was a small inside, with a small sofa and coffee table on the right of the room. Opposite was a small kitchen area, and off to the right were two doors, which I assumed led to a bedroom and bathroom.

Jimin closed the door behind us and moved to sit on the sofa. As he sat, he took a deep breath, and looked at me for the first time since earlier today.

"Bee," He said quietly, "I don't know how to apologize for what I've put you through," His voice sounded rough, like he was trying to control his emotions, and I moved to sit next to him.

I reached out and slowly placed my hand on his arm, "You didn't put me through anything bad," I said truthfully, "You could have let me be sent to work as a Care girl, or you could have beat me and let me freeze like my old Master. But you didn't. You gave me warm clothes and good food, and you let me take clothes to my Mama. You even protected me from the Master,"

Jimin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "But they were right. I did nothing to stop what's been happening,"

"It's what you were brainwashed into thinking was right," I argued with him, "And I don't want to hear another word about the subject! It's over, it's in the past, and now we are free from all of that,"

I cupped his face and turned his head to face me. At first, he kept his eyes low, something that I never would have expected from him, but slowly he raised them to look me in the eye.

"Bee," He said softly, "Rebecca, I know that this war is going to get dangerous, and I swear to you that I will protect you from all dangers, even if I have to die to do so,"

I smiled at him and shook my head, "I don't want that, Jimin," I said "I just want you to let me stay by your side,"

Jimin pulled away and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly to his body. I could feel his breathing; deep but slightly unsteady as if he were trying to control himself.

"I would love nothing more than to have you with me, forever," He muttered, almost too quietly for me to hear.



Bee and I had fallen asleep on the sofa in the little residence. When I woke up, she was still curled up asleep in my arms, and my heart felt the lightest it had ever been. I know what I said the previous night was pathetic, and a bit romance-book cliche, but I meant what I said.

During the night, I had decided that some point in the near future, before the war officially began, I would tell her my feelings. I didn't want to die (which was always a possibility in a fight) before she knew.

I had made it pretty clear, I was sure, but with her I couldn't tell if she had picked up on my hints or not.

Jin had picked us up and taken us to the conference room, where there was a small platter of foods laid out. I enjoyed watching Bee try different fruits and pastries, but once it was cleared away, there was no more smiling. It was time to plan a war.

"Morning," Daisy said as she strode in, Yoongi behind her, "Ready to get planning?"

"Daisy," Bee said suddenly, getting to her feet. Her face was serious and confident, and I had never seen her like that before. It was oddly appealing.

"Yes, Bee?" Daisy said, sitting down with a smile on her face. It was obvious to me that she had taken a liking to Bee, but I wasn't sure when that happened. Bee had told me previously that she didn't like Daisy very much.

"I will do everything I can in my power to help you get Tam back," She said, and Daisy raised her eyebrows in surprise, "On one condition,"

"Name it,"

"I want to bring my Mama back, too,"

There was silence for a moment, and Daisy stood up and leaned across the table, holding her hand out, "Done,"

Once they shook hands and sat back down, Yoongi sat down at the table and tapped on the map in the centre, "This is how we get in, boys and girls," He drawled, "Are you ready to break back into the city?"


AN: Triple update to show how much I love you guys~ (:

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